With A Twist (Or Two)

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TW: understanding partners, fluff, alcohol, EMBARRASSMENT, a lot of sex talk, light smut warning, a bunch of good stuff

"But did he get expelled?" Hermione usually isn't one to whisper during class, but it's herbology and literally their last class of the week, so she 'should be fine'.

"Im not sure, but I wouldn't expect anything else from professor McGonagall" Harry says while stuffing dirt in a pot.

"No no, Harry, no, there's wAY too little air in the soil, your plant can't breathe like that!" Neville says, and grabs Harrys pot. "Look, Im adding some more air, and then you can plant it" Harry looked clueless, and turned to Hermione for help.

"What does that even mean? Plants breathe? I thought this lesson was lifeless plants??"

"Well even lifeless plants breathe, Harry" Hermione says. "The magical ones anyways"

"I must be a muggle plant then 'cause that apron makes you look hotter than the sun, babe" Draco winks at Harry, and both Neville and Hermione roll their eyes.

"Hey gays, wanna go to Hogsmeade this weekend? We could do some fun dares there, plus they have chocolate" Hermione asks.

"That sounds bloody brilliant, Im coming too!" Ron interrupts.

"Blaise and I will look forward to joining you!" Pansy says doing the soldier salute thing.

"Miss Parkinson, please stop talking during lessons" Their herbology teacher cackled out.

"Yeah miss Parkinson, stop talking in lessons" Hermione says, in a powerful flirty voice.

"You know you love it when Im loud" Pansy smirks at Hermione and sends her a wink that makes her blush.

"Well we're coming too" Draco says, imitating Nevilles movements with his hands.

"Damn babe you're good at this" Harry proclaims, gesturing at Dracos pot.

"Yeah, well the magical part of the garden was always my safe spot at the Mansion. Only my mother knew the way in there, and she taught me. Said she wanted me to have a safe space" Harry smiled.

"Well that sounds lovely, do you wanna show me some time?" Draco stopped working and just stared at Harry because-

"There's nothing I would rather do" The silver spark in Harrys eyes lit back up, and so did the green in Dracos.

"Wooow" Pansy whispered, "That's beautiful" She stood a little closer to Hermione to see a little better. "But don't y'all dare start kissing in here" her voice is stern but in a playful way.

"You didn't seem to mind that when we played truth or dare a couple o' days ago!" Harry jokes, leaving Draco with a slight blush at the memory.

"We're not doing that in Hogsmeade though!" Draco says with a stern finger in the air.

"You eighth years have to stop bickering in the back of my class! If it is so important why don't you share it with the rest of us?" Their teacher really is just done with them at this point, but before anyone could do anything Draco just nodded.

"Alright then, you asked" Draco plants a kiss on Harrys lips, and as he's about to pull away Harry pulls him in by the waist. A cheer can be heard throughout the class of slyhterins and eighth years, before their teacher shushes them down:

"Now, now, quiet down, quiet down, if you all would simply resume to your tasks, please" With a shaky voice their  professor calls upon them, "And boys? You will see me after class" Harry and Draco share a confused yet loving look.

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