123 Testing

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"I'm not sure babe, is it really that important?" The two boys' steps slowed down as they neared the now white hall.

"Yes! Just think - you'll never ever be able to sleep with me if you don't get tested? Is that worth it??" Harry said before he sat down in a chair next to madam Pomfreys new desk.

"No! I just- Im just a little scared that's all"

"Aw but babe it's okay, Im there the entire time, and it's okay," Draco moves tightly in his chair, letting a short breath escape, "I love you no matter what" Harry reassures.

Draco sighs. "Thank you.." a nail comes flying to Dracos mouth, and his teeth dig in per instinct.

"Please, Draco.." Harry squeezes his hand. "Don't beat yourself up over this."

"I just kinda wish I never did it, you know.." Dracos eyes find their way to the ceiling. Harry takes a deep breath.

"And how much of that is the fear speaking? How much is actual regret?"

A moment hangs silently in the air.

"It felt.. Good. In the moment" Draco clarifies.

"And now?" Harry is genuinely curious, but so far the questions are keeping Draco sensible, so he continues.

"It would just be.." Dracos head rolls across the white wall behind him, stopping it just in time to look at Harry, "easier. Y'know?"

Harry nods, leaving a little kiss on his lovers nose. "I know, dray.."

A couple of silent moments pass as they sit in the wooden chairs, holding each other's hands and wait.

"Hello boys, how are you feeling?" Madam Pomfrey walks up to them whilst wiping her hands on the apron around her waist.

"A little nervous" Draco says. "I'm here to get tested for.." his eyes wander to Harry, a long list of emotions frantically searching for help.

"STD's." Harry replies. "He hasn't been notified so it's not a specific one." He ends the sentence with a smile that's promptly returned by madam Pomfrey.

"Well good on you two for getting tested. I always knew you were smart." Her voice was beginning to sound a lot like a stereotypical old lady.

"It's actually just me, Professor. Harry doesn't need to." Draco blurts out.

"Alright, do you want him in the room or does he wait outside?" She has a kind smile on her lips, and you can tell she's trying to calm his nerves.

"Inside, if he wants" Draco says after a small pause.

"I'd be honored" Harry says with a smile, and squeezes Dracos hand.

"Lovely, come right through here"

(A/N: for accuracy I can't write this bit cause I've never been tested and also I don't have a penis so I have literally no idea of how that works lol)

"Okay, that's about it. Now, you'll be notified of the results within 5 days, we still don't really have a fast way yet, it's quite new here, but uh, yeap." madam Pomfrey sends the two boys a smile.

"Thank you, professor, really" Draco says as they walk out of the little room.

"How was it?" Harry asked. "How do you feel?"

"Well.. It was not as bad as I thought, but still a little weird. I mean she's known us since we were first years." Draco is still holding on to Harry's hand really hard.

"By the way, I've been thinking.."

"Hey, just because I got the test doesn't mean we have to have sex immediately." Draco says, his eyes firmly locked with Harry's. "It just makes it possible." Theres a little smile on Dracos lips now, and it makes them almost irresistible to Harry, but he holds back.

"Okay, yeah, you're right." He says. "Thank you"

"By the way which class did we skip for this?"

(A/N: oh I thought this was v v cute u guys. And everybody remember to get tested for all those STD's bc I dont think they're fun to have. Anyways, much love.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2022 ⏰

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