Cuddle-y Mornings And Jealousy

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~this is two days after the last chapter, Ron and Hermione have a date tonight, and our cinnamon rolls are slowly waking up from a sweet sleep~

(Third person, Harry POV)

Harry groans and turns his head, taking in the soft smell of cinnamon rolls and pine trees, letting it flow thru his nose all the way in his lungs, feeling the happyness flowing thru him. The sleeping blond under him started moving, wrapping his arms around Harrys waist, putting his leg on top of Harrys stomach, bended at the knee, his head turning but still laying comfterbly between Harrys neck and collar bone.

"Mrrhhnn..." Draco groans, making Harry open his eyes, looking down on the sleepy slytherin on top of him, the sleepy ness still in his body making him want to stay like that forever.

"Mrh.. Mornin..." Harry groans, playing with Dracos christmas scented hair.

"Mornin..." Draco looks up, pecking Harry softly on the lips, making him blush slightly.

"Will you promise me something?" Harry says, voice groggy and marked by the sleep.

"What?" Draco says, eyes searching for Harrys, with slight concern.

"Never change shampoo... Your hair smells like christmas, and its amazing..." Draco lets out a small laugh and kisses Harry again.

"I wont..." They get eyecontact, and something kinda weird happens.

Harry gets lost in Dracos eyes like he has before, but this time its different, it's like something connects the two of them, an invisible bond of love, braided with all the happyness in the world, and Harry notices something in Dracos eyes. A little emerald green spark in his beautiful silver eyes, making Harry uncapable of breathing, but not in a bad way, he feels butterflies in his stomach, and suddenly feels his eyes warm up at the same time as his chest, and he remember something Hermione once told him: you know when your partner is your soulmate when you see a spark of your own eyecolor in their eyes after a romantic moment. As Harry prosess the new knowledge of his soulmate, a force pulls him towards Draco, and Draco towards him. Without being able to do anything about it they kiss, but even the kiss feels different, in a good way tho.

Harry feels Dracos hands wander from his waist to his neck, a tickeling feeling filling his heart with joy as Draco pulls himself up to sit on Harrys hips, still kissing him deeply. Harry bites Dracos lower lip as a request for entrance, and Draco opens his mouth, Harry sliding his toungue in, not being able to contain himself and feels his entire body fill with the tickeling feeling of happyness. They keep the kiss going for a while, untill Draco murmurs:

"It's thursday Harry~" kinda out of breath.

"Yeah..." Draco slides off Harrys hips, hugging him.

"What even happened?" Draco asks.

"Well... Um... I think-... I think we might be soulmates Dray..." Dracos reaction to his words are golden.

His jaw drops with a smile, he blinks several times looking like he can't believe his ears, wich he properbly can't either, and he just locks his arms around Harrys neck, biting his lip.

"So... That silver spark in your eyes... That was from my eyes?"Harry nods.

"Yes... And the force that made us kiss was love... Hermione told me about it after her and Ron started dating..." Draco lets go of Harry, and just falls over in the bed, laying down, not believing his ears.

"But that's crazy! We're soulmates Harry! Soulmates!" Draco closes his eyes with the now green spark in the middle, Harry just smiling down at his lover.

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