Halloween Party Anouncement

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(A/N: ok so first off I wanna apologize for the first sentence of this chapter, but it is true. Second off, it is essential to remember that Sirius and Remus did not die in this version. Fred still did, I'm sorry. Now, enjoy :))

The group of traumatised teens who adopted their parents's story finish their breakfast and start walking back to their common room.

"So guys, watcha feeling up to today?" Blaise asks.

Harry squints his eyes, holding his boyfriends hand, "I dunno, maybe play a game of wizards chess" he proposes.

Pansy rolls her eyes, "Boring"

"Well I was thinking I need to fix up my roots today" Draco says.

"Hold up, you need to what now" Rons says, confused.

"Touch up my roots you weasel, I bleach my hair" Draco snaps back with no actual content. "Honestly I expected Harry to be more surprised than you" he says.

"Babe, I was obsessed with you in sixth year, all I did was follow you around. I saw your monthly black centimeter" He laughs. "And honestly it's kinda hot"

Draco looks at Harry, surprised. "You really think so?"

"I'll do you one better; do you seriously think i don't adore everything about you?"

"Aww" Pansy exclaims, "Now respond Draco, it's rude to leave him hanging like that."

Draco scoffs at his bestie and pulls Harry in by the edge of his pants and kisses him.

"That enough answer for ya?" He smirks, knowing he left a blush on his boyfriends cheeks.

The group has reached the commom room when Pansy gets a brilliant idea, "Guys! Movie date!"

Hermiones eyes light up, "Oh lord yes! We *have* to watch dead poet society!!" She says.

Ron scoffs, "No way in hell am I watching a movie about dead poets."

Hermione rolls her eyes, "That's not at all what it is about" she says, her accent extra posh. 

"I think it sounds great!" Pansy lets her hand quickly pass by Hermiones, "It's a horror movie right?" 

Now it's Draco's turn to roll his eyes, "Didn't she *just* say it wasn't about dead poets?" He turns to Hermione who's now sitting on a couch in the common room, "What is it about?"

"Well," Hermione says, "It's about a poetry teacher and his journey to reconnect with his love for poetry" 

Ron grins casually, "I dunno, sounds kinda good" 

Blaise looks at Ron with a surprised look, "You like movies like that?" 

Ron looks at his feet before reconnecting his eyes to Blaises, "Yeah. I mean it's way easier to understand a movie that's based on feelings as opposed to other muffle things. I know feelings y'know" 

A delighted look is plastered over Blaises dorky face, and he just hums, "Yeah, definitely" 

"Well if you overly sensitive twats are done," Pansy turns to the rest, "I have a proposal."

Hermione swallows a bubbling feeling, and thrusts her hands into the pockets of her hoodie.

"I was thinking we could watch The Craft" She says. 

Hermione sighs with a smile on her lips, "Well it's definitely a proposal"

Draco rolls his eyes, "You've watched The Craft 23 times already, I don't think we need to watch it again" Pansy sends him an objecting look, "No! I was there for 18 of those times, I'm not watching it again!" He says, tone stern and kinda mean, but sugarcoated by the smile in his eyes.

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