Truth Or Dare Guys ~ Pt 2

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(Third person, Harry POV)

"Sure! Ron, truth or dare?" Harry says.


"What do you honestly think about Pansy, Blaise an Draco, i also need reasons for your opinions" Harry raises an eyebrow at Ron when his jaw drops.

"Uhm... Well... Pansy, i don't really like the fact that you have a crush on My girl friend, who seems to like you back, but I guess you're ok and I'm just overreacting but yeah..." Pansy seems slightly offended at this, but respects his reasons. "Blaise, you seem like an amazing person, but I don't really know you, so you're hard to judge" Blaise blushes and smiles at Ron who smiles right back at him. "And then there is Draco, that i have hated since our first year, but I don't hate you anymore, but, I'm not completely used to you guys being around... I don't mind tho" Draco nods and looks down, ashamed of something. Properbly his past Harry's mind tells him. "Anyway, 'Mione truth or dare?"


"I dare you to not assign your potions essay for tomorrow" Hermione' s jaw drops.

"I can't do that!?" Hermione is definetly shaken at the sound of her dare. "I would rather kiss one of the other boys then that!" Ron shakes his head.

"No way you are doing that! Don't assign your potions essay tomorrow, I am sure Sloghorn will understand, If you tell him! He's nice anyway, not like Snape that is!" The three slytherins are slightly offended, but keep their mouth shot, for the sake of the show.

"I am delivering this potions essay with the next one tho! I don't want My grades to drop!" Ron approves and Hermione dares Ginny and Luna to play seven minutes in heaven.

"I Wonder what they are doing in there?" Blaise says, and Pansy smirks.

"They are making out of course! I mean, Ginny said that She had a crush, but it wasn't who we thougt it was, wich means Harry, and then they call eachother sweet Heart and livebird, wich i know is a Dare, but still!" Hermione nodds.

"It is quite easy to figure out u'know, Ginny and Luna hang out in between classes too, and I have seen them walk into murtles bathroom together, and sometimes, they flirt without knowing that we can see them. You guys are seriously oblivious If you didn't figure it out!"

"We are most sertanly not! You guys are just bright!" Blaise says, and Draco agrees.

"Well we take that as a compliment!" Hermione says.

"It wasn't meant as a compliment!" Draco says.

"Another compliment!" Pansy smirks.

"Well, times up, let's open the door!" Pansy and Hermione screech and run over to the door, opening it violently, stopping in the middle of their actions, blocking the guys view.

"Girls! What are they doing!" Hermione turns around, closing the door.

"Um... Ginny and Luna, are um... Naked... Guys we can't let you see..." the boys blush and go back to their seats.

"Well that was unexpected..." Ron says, not wanting to know what his sister is doing with Luna.

"Yeah... I know..." Hermione and Pansy is standing in a corner near the door, trying to keep their laughter in.

"What's going on?"Draco asks, looking confused.

"Nothing... Just-" Pansy was cut off, by Ginny and Luna jumping out the closet yelling:

"We're here and we're queer!!!" Giving the guys a fright, looking away untill Hermione and Pansy stops in the middle of their laughter saying:

"Guys they aren't naked! They never were!" The dudes faces is all curled up in a puzzled expression, their confusion clear as Day.

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