Shikamaru x Reader!Bartender

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(a/n: Someone requested a Shikamaru x Reader. I don't know if you guys are going to like this because it is very random... There's very little dialogue, I tried to make the whole vibe of the story very Shikamaru, very chill. Hope you like it tho.)


(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I worked as a bartender in one of the small bars along the main street of Konoha. Carrying the empty glasses on my tray, I walked back to the bar counter and placed them on the sink. The bell chimed and I turned around to look at the new customer who entered. 

"Can I get a shot?" the man with the spiked ponytail said and sat at the very end of the counter. 
"The usual?" I asked and he nodded.

I placed a shot glass in front of him poured whiskey on it and without hesitation he took the shot. He reached for his chest pocket and grabbed a pack of cigarette, lit it up with a silver lighter and puffed out smoke.

Exactly three weeks ago, every day, as soon at the clock strikes 8 pm, I noticed that the spiked ponytail man often spends his time at the corner of bar drinking the same drink and smoking by himself. He doesn't talk to anybody and not once he brought a friend so I guessed he liked to spend his time alone and every time I looked at him there was the same bored expression on his face.

The bell chimed once again and I turned my gaze towards the door, "Leave the bottle I'll serve myself." the man said and I nodded.

Throughout the night, I did my job by entertaining the customers and serving them drinks. It was getting late and people were starting to leave one by one, the bar was getting quieter every minute but I noticed that the spiked ponytail man didn't move an inch. It was odd because he usually leaves an hour before the bar closes.

"(Y/N), I'm so sorry for leaving a little early tonight the kids need me." My manager said.
"Don't worry I'll be fine. Go take care of your kids. I'll close up." I smiled.
"Thanks (Y/N)! If something happens call me ASAP." she said giving me a hug before leaving.

It was forty minutes before closing time and since there was no one but me and the spiked ponytail man I decided to make myself a drink.

"Can I get another shot please?" I turned my gaze to the man and his bottle was empty.
"Sure but you can only have a few shots. I'm closing in a few minutes." I said opening another bottle of whiskey and walking over to him to refill his drink.

The whole time the man had his head down and when I got a glance on his face even if he had a bored look on his face, I could tell the he was going through a lot.

He dropped a bill on the counter for his shot but I slipped it back to him, "Drinks on me."

Since it was just the two of us I decided to sit right next to him. He reached for his pack of cigarette and offered me one which I gladly accepted. He lit his cigarette and turned to me to light mine up, "Thanks." I said puffing out smoke.

There was a comfortable silence as we both enjoyed our smoke and drinks.

"What's your name?" I said breaking the silence to make small talk.
"Shikamaru... you?" he replied blowing out smoke.

"(Y/N)." I replied, grabbing his shot glass and filling it up with whiskey.
"You know... whatever it is you're going through, you can talk to me about it." I said.

"Huh?" He turned his head to look at me and raised an eyebrow.
"Isn't that the reason you come here all the time? To drink and forget?"
"Yes and no. I would tell you but the whole story is a drag." Shikamaru replied, rubbing the back of his head.

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