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"What..." Seokjin croaked out, throat aching as he tried to speak, "Agh..."

"Don't speak and drink this. It will help with your throat."

The human nodded and accepted the drink with barely open eyes. It was when he had swallowed the sweet liquid in the glass did he realise that he lived alone. There should not be anyone around to give him a glass of juice.

"That is not a glass of juice and do you have amnesia? You keep forgetting us and I really do not wish to hear you scream again. Not in horror at least, just in pleasure."

Seokjin took a moment to properly swallow the drink before carefully placing the glass on the nightstand. He smelled something sweet and aromatic and turned his head to look at the delicious meal laid out on the small table. Seokjin's stomach grumbled and the human laid a hand on the skin, feeling strange when he found it... flat.

"We sucked our cum out, so your body does not feel nauseous anymore. For as much as you screamed for our seeds, your body really isn't meant to take that much", the man smiled, his silver eyes just as bright as his hair.

Seokjin blinked, one, twice, for a whole minute before his eyes widened, "Oh!"

His throat was no longer scratchy, the worst of aches gone when Seokjin shifted on the bed. He hissed at the lingering pain in his crotch and hips, eyes darkening as memories ran past his mind's eyes.

Seokjin shocked at seeing the men, his surprise when they offered to fulfil his desire of getting fucked, his body warm and wet as it was played with. The human shivered as he remembered the ghost of the touches, of something cold and thick entering him, of multiple things stretching him far and filling him to bursting.

"Well at least you remember us."

The human also remembered that each creature came their own quirks.

"Can you stop reading my mind?" Seokjin did not expect a response, it was just a whine to hide his pink cheeks. But the demon, Namjoon, still smiled a cute, dimpled smile.

"Yes, I can actually", he crossed his arms on his chest, looking down with a glint in his eyes, "But I won't. You are fun to tease."

Seokjin huffed, turning his red face away. He buried his body in the warm sheets, still sleepy and tired, "What are you still doing here? Go, your work is done. Go and let me sleep."

"What an amazing hospitality, I'm surely impressed."

The human groaned and peeked over from the fluff of his blanket, drowsy eyes glaring at the creature, "It's too early for sarcasm. And shouldn't you be gone after fulfilling the desire? I remember that you did not ask me for any trade, so you have no reason to stay here."

"Your body is weak after our play yesterday", Namjoon's eyes softened and he sat beside the cute human. A hand came up to ruffle the purple hair, fingers rubbing at the soft strands, "I am here to replenish you. As soon as you are back to normal, I will go away."

Despite asking the demon to leave, Seokjin felt his heart skip a confused beat as he realised that this... this was their last meeting. The other two had already left and he knew that he would never meet them again. Not that he wanted to meet monsters from a realm beyond his! But still...

"You seem intent on wanting me to leave", Namjoon smirked, rubbing at the corner of Seokjin's eyes with his thumb. He wiped away the sleep dust, just barely supressing his coo, "What, don't want to have a taste of my cocks again?"

Ah, yes. Cocks. Plural. Two of them. He had two cocks.

Seokjin gulped at the pleasant reminder, at the warm and arousing memory of having those length inside of him. The human swallowed the saliva in his mouth, thirsty and eager, before looking up at the knowing smirk of the taller man's face.

Ritual For 3 ✔️ (JinxRap Line) | By DewWhere stories live. Discover now