Chapter 8: Forever Fall & The Meeting

Start from the beginning

Bruce: "Apparently this woman has unfinished business with me."

Callie: "And she mentioned how a couple of guys failed miserably to get m-.

Callie paused abruptly and looked toward me. Price and Bruce looked between us and from what I could tell they were starting to connect the dots.

Callie: "Those guys you three fought at the bar in Mistral to protect me. Those are the guys she was referring to!"

Ozpin: "Are you referring to the same fight I had an associate of mine record?"

Me: "Yup. Those two walked into the bar not long after me and Price did. We saw them try to drag Callie out by force. I threw a vodka bottle at the large guys head to stop them, one thing lead to another, and well, you know the rest."

Bruce: "You're thinking they know each other right?"

Callie: "Exactly! She would not have known about the battle in the bar otherwise. They have got to be in cahoots."

Price: "Think that could explain the two waves of grimm that attacked us?"

Bruce: "They were oddly coordinated in their attacks but I'm not sure if the two fit together in this puzzle. Grimm can't be that smart."

Callie: "Or can they?"

Everyone pauses to consider the idea but Ozpin clears his throat breaking the silence.

Ozpin: "I would write it off as a coincidence until we have some solid proof that that was the case. However, what you four have managed to put together is a bit concerning."

Bruce: "And what's that?"

Ozpin pauses for a brief second. He seems to be thinking rather hard about what he's gonna say next. He almost seems.....uncomfortable thinking about it.

Ozpin: "Mr. (L/N), may I please speak to you here alone? If that is alright with you of course."

The others look at me expectantly, waiting for my answer.

Me: "You guys head back to our room. I'll be down shortly."

Price, Bruce, and Callie get up and walk out to the elevator. They walk back in and ride it back down. I turn back Ozpin who is wearing a rather serious expression on his face.

Ozpin: "Mr. (L/N), the reason I wanted to speak with you alone on this matter now is because I wanted you to hear it first before anyone else as it is rather personal for you."

Me: "What do you mean sir?"

Ozpin: "You remember how your Father was a huntsman, correct?"

Me: "Of course, he was always away a lot on missions. He never told us what but he always said it was classified and he couldn't speak of it even if he wanted to. Why do you ask?"

3rd POV

Ozpin gets up and turns to once again look out towards the horizon before he answers (y/n's) question.

Ozpin: "(Y/N), when I said your Father did some odd jobs and missions for me back in the day, the ones he took on were rather dangerous and extremely risky in nature. During these missions, I had him go undercover for me. While on these undercover missions, he outsmarted some of Remnant's most ruthless bandits and successfully infiltrated the White Fang at one point, among other things. Naturally, he made quite a few enemies when he would be found out after succeeding in his mission or whenever his cover managed to get blown. Given the individuals you have encountered, I believe we have some old enemies of your Father's resurfacing."

(Y/N): "But if he's dead than why would they come back? Is going after me their way of revenge? I just inherited my Father's problems?"

Ozpin: "I'm not quite sure myself. However, I would encourage you to keep your eyes open for anything suspicious. Like I said, your Father made a lot of enemies when he was under my employ so it is hard to say who exactly we are dealing with here until we know more."

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