chapter 36

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Me and Luke were cuddled up in my bunk watching the fault in our stars

L- this is so sad 

B- omg Luke 

L- but its so sweet hes given up his wish so they can go meet this author, he better be fucking nice to them

B- Luke

L- hmm

B- shut the fuck up im trying to watch 

L-ooops sorry

B- thank you

L- hang on one more question 

B- go on then

L- can we watch mean girls after 

B- yeah what ever

L- thank you 

B- shut up now and let me watch this 

L- yeah yeah what ever 


I love Brookies and Lukes relationship they are so cute together. Im laying in my bunk on my phone texting Maddie and Dallas, they seem to really want to meet Brookie especially Maddie. Ive told her she can come visit when we get to Texas and she can come on tour for a few weeks as she will be on break from school. I put my phone down and i heard Luke and Brookie talking 

L- hey Brookie can i ask you something 

B- yeah sure 

L- ok so i was walking oast Ashtons room the other day and i heard him talking to himself 

B- ok

L- and , well it was about you

B- go on

L- well do you self harm

B- no

L- oh cus im sure thats what he sai- 

B- no Luke i dont self harm but i used to 

L- oh Brookie what happened

Omg Brookie i cant believe she used to cut i hope she didnt do anything else

B- well it was about a year before i got adopted by Ash and i cut and had an eating disorder, i didnt think it was important to say anything as i havent done it in over a year and a half but dad found out while we were having this conversation about Demi

L- oh have you told Demi


B- no but she knows

No i dont do i

L- how does she know it you havent told her

B- well i have told her but through twitter but she doesnt know it was me it was my old twitter what i deleted right after i stopped self harming

L- oh ok

why didnt she tell me and how did i know it wasnt her i wonder what her twitter account was

B- well anyway she helped me without her even knowing it was me thats why im really close to her i feel like i can trust her with everything since she had helped me with my biggest secret 

L- do you trust me 

B- yeah i wouldnt be telling you all this if i didnt

L- so how come you told Ash that day it didnt really seem like you trusted him let alone be around him

B- well he kinda made me 

L- oh 

B- yeah well anyway im going to sleep

L- yeah same night babe

B- night Luke

L- love you 

B- love you too 

L- to the moon

B- and back again 

They are so cute, but i cant focus on that right now i need to talk to Brookie about everything she has just said to Luke, i wonder if she still got scars, i mean its been a year they may of faded but it depends how deep and if they are deep enough they will never go away, its time to go to sleep now so i will ask her in the morning.

Its been two hours and im still awake tossing and turning i need to talk to Brookie before i can sleep otherwise im going to be kept awake all night. i get out of my bed and go over to Brookies where she and Luke are cuddled up together

D- Brookie

no answer

D- Brookie

still no answer

D- Brookie

I decided to shake her a little bit and she started to turn over so she would be facing me

D- Brookie

B- hmm what, what time is it 

D- ih 2:30 in the morning 

B- why the hell are you waking me up then

D- i need to talk to you about something its really important i cant sleep and i doubt i will be able to until ive spoken to you about this 

B- uh ok lets go to the back room before Luke wakes up

D- ok

we walked to the back room and sat on the sofa what was back there

B- so what do you want to talk about

D- i heard yours and Lukes conversation


I cant believe she heard what the hell am i ment to say " oh yeah the truth", i need to tell her the truth i mean she already knows it but

D- well i know most of it so you dont have to repeat it if you dont want to but why didnt you tell me

B- well technically i did

D- you know what i mean 

B- well after you helped me i deleted the twitter account and decided to put it all behind me

D- well you must be very strong if you could do that i know i couldnt if i tried 

B- yeah Strong's the word

D- so what was your twitter name 

B- er @BWilson

D- omg that was you 

B- yeah 

D- i never stopped thinking of you i tried so hard to get old of you again 

B- but why 

D- because everyone has to believe in them selves to be able to stop and all these other people have said i have helped them but you were one out of very few that actually asked me for help and well actually the first person to ask me for help, i remember you saying that i had to help you before you were sent into rehab and i remember thinking a 12 year old couldn't go into rehab it would destroy her so i made it my mission to help you 

i was crying by this point ive never known someone to care so much 

B- thank you Demi

D- i love you Brookie

B- i love you too Dem

That was the last thing i remembered before i fell into a deep sleep cuddled up to Demi on the sofa in the back room i hope people dont think were missing in the morning.

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