chapter 27

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I woke up and Luke wasnt there so i decided to go downstairs hoping that someone will be there. I walked into the kitchen and everyone was there except Calum

B- morning guys 

A- morning Brookie sleep well

B- yes 

A- good

B- wheres Calum

M- will it seems he didnt have such a good night 

B- oh poor idiot 

L- so what do you want to do today Brookie 

B- well i gotta pack 

D- oh yeah we leave at 5 our flight is at 6

B- ok


B- dont be sad Luke ill be home before you know it 

L- ok

B- well im going to start packing

I walked into my room and i pulled out the set on suit cases Demi got me for my birthday and the bags of clothes from my wardrobe. 

D- hey hun

B- hey Dem

D- how are you doing 

B- ok i suppose 

D- you dont have to come if you dont want to i know your going to miss your family i can tell 

B- i want to go 

D- are you sure

B- yes so help me pack 

D- ok 

Me and Demi packed my stuff what took us a while, by the time we were finished it was half 12 so we all decided to go out for lunch, even Cal got out of bed to come with us. Everyone was winding him up though especially Mikey and Demi

M- so cal hows that sex life of yours

D- what are you talking about Mikey its non existent 

M- oh are you sure im sure i heard something from Calums room last night 

C- shut up 

D- what was that a hangover too

M- geez Cal you should be more responsible there is a child under our care

D- yeah that means no sex Cal

M- or drinking 

C- seriously guys stop 

B- haha omg im dying

C- see you got Brookie at it now

A- at what she doest drink and she hasnt had sex, have you?

B- omg no just no

D- shes too good to be round us lot

A- yet shes going round the world with you

B- dont worry Ash ill look after her

D- what are you talking about im older than you

L- Brookie acts older 

D- does not 

B- come on Demi of course i do 

D- not true 

B- anyway Chaz how are you havent heard from you this morning

Ch- please leave me out your arguments

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