the last special

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im officially abandoning this book. it has become too hard for me to write, most people have read the chapter before this and understand what im talking about. here is just one last chapter.
it had been a few months until the bitter cold numbness lapped at his heart. the trees around them were beginning to lose their leaves, fluttering down to the ground while spinning in graceful patterns.

every once in a while, anyone who walked past the same tree he used to read books at would stop on the sidewalk with their head down, staring at the broken cracks in the ground.

nobody would sit at the bench now. It used to be reserved for him specifically, or anyone he brought with him.

wind rippled past A6d sending leaves blowing against him. although it didn't bother him.

he thought he was doing good. he really thought that he was doing better. he thought that he felt okay.

he thought wrong.

there was no color around him. it had been sucked out of him from the very first moment he got called.

he wouldn't be going to Techno's house anymore. scoffing, salty tears stained the dry, cold, concrete. with his head down, he felt like throwing up.

A6d missed him too much. not even a proper burial was done. they didn't care enough. but that was society and what he had to deal with.

his knees hit the textured ground, a small flare of pain spreading like a firework, but he knew that was nothing compared to what Techno had felt to be pushed.

for the past few days, everyone had been leaving A6d alone.

several days, sometimes even every day he'd go back to the same tree with the empty bench under it, standing and staring. the limbs waved in the chill breeze, making his ears pink even though he was fairly warm.

the top of the tree was tainted with a single small leaf that came fluttering down to the ground in front of A6d. he audibly sobbed, hiding his face in his hands as his lungs gave out.

he laid on his back, feeling the tears roll down his cheeks. the sky had no color, just lapped with gray clouds that blocked up any sign of a once blue sky.


holding the bouquet of white carnations, the petals flew in every which direction in the wind. he placed it on the grass that hadnt grown yet, his salty tears glazing the dirt a shade darker than it would've normally been.

still, his heart broke when he read the stone, over and over again to make sure he wasn't dreaming.

here lies, dave.

long lived the king.

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