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(perceived unconsciousness) Skeppy's POV

perceived unconsciousness: Being able to hear and sense things in your environment, but, however, because of their medical condition they cannot respond, move, or communicate their awareness.

There was the closing of what seemed to be a door, or a cabinet, or anything that produced noise.

Quick, rushed footsteps could be heard.

"Is he gonna be okay? When can he get released?"

I felt my heart flutter. It was Bad's voice, hushed yet overly excited like a kid with candy. The events I had tried to piece together in my brain were fuzzy, and nothing made sense.

But I knew Bad would be there to tell me all about it. I could imagine everything about him, the way he looked, what he was wearing, everything was too exciting, I just wanted to open my eyes, to be able to see again.

"Well, he seems okay so far. Most likely a wheelchair until he's finished healing, but other than that, keep a very close eye on your boyfriend."

Bad choked, and I could almost imagine the face he was making, the subtle yet still noticeable blush spreading across his cheeks to the tips of his ears.

"Um... Yeah, right."

I wish I knew what time it was. I wish I could see Bad, I could hear him but I couldn't move, oh my god I wanted to move so bad.

Everything was silent, no cars drove by, there was no wind, no rain, no nothing. It felt like the beginning of a cold night, mid February or May, but I had no clue what time it was.

Maybe around 7? That's around when the time set, right? At least during winter.

Only being adapted to my surroundings with my ears was deeming more difficult than before. Quiet whispers filled my ears, soft and hushed.

"Anyways, once he wakes up, we can get him out of here."

"Thank you ma'am, I really can't thank you enough."

There was a pitter patter of what may have been shoes, then the soft closing of a door.

I could feel the suspense in the air, and I wanted to open my eyes, I really did but I just couldn't. They were impossible to lift.

I wanted to move my limbs, to jump up and look for bad even if it costed me my life but I couldn't move. I was stuck in place, left to sit there, mentally squirming and dreaming.

Shortly, something soft grazed my hand sending shivers shooting up my spine like a rocket. It stayed there for a bit before I felt a little hesitant kiss pressed to my forehead.

"He can't be serious." I thought to myself, going wild and freaking out within my mind. Embarrassment flooded me, and I can't help but laugh internally about how the fact he thought he was alone.

He ran his hands through my hair, and I just basked in the touch. I had no clue what had happened, but just hearing his voice was comforting. Once again, I knew that he'd be there to tell me everything that I needed to know.

For a while, he sat there silent, but all I wanted to hear was him talk again.

Manifest, manifest, manifest

Please talk again, Bad

There was soft humming from him. It wasn't the same, but it was close enough to satisfy me. I wondered what he looked like, although I already knew the answer to that. After a few minutes of humming, my brain began to pick up on the notes.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine."

Bad's voice sounded completely wrecked. It was soft, raspy, and cracked with tinges of sadness seeping through.

I thought about him a lot, sitting in silence as he raced through my mind. Gladly, I'd let Bad live in my head rent free.

"You make me happy, when skies are grey.." Again, there was visible hurt in his voice. I felt myself wanting to get up and go give him a hug, but that's only if I could. And, well, in this situation, that was practically impossible.

He stayed silent.

That was until there was soft sobs. My heart wrenched. I mentally smacked myself, knowing that this would be engraved in the back of my head, even if I hadn't seen it with my very own eyes.



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