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AHAHAHA im back with more.

summary: i write more and ruin everything

Bad's POV

"Skeppy, move! Move! Move, DUMBASS!"

That's all I could hear before the screams. Ones of terror, ones of pain, it didn't matter- They were everywhere.

I could remember the blood spewing out of his mouth in a maroon stream, his eyes narrowing and his mouth tugging into a small smile as I stood over him, frantically trying to talk to the 911 operator.

Those words echoed meaninglessly in the vast void that was my brain. I sat looking at the hospital floor, not wanting to acknowledge the frail and possibly dying Zak resting in the probably uncomfortable hospital bed.

A lump formed in the back of my throat as I bounced my leg in place. It had always rained here, but there were so many drains I wasn't even surprised that it never flooded.

I took off my glasses, staring at my tired expression in the reflection, but I'd rather spend time with him than leave him alone. I know he may have enjoyed it if he were conscious at the moment.

Something was overpowering my optimistic emotions.

Something telling me something bad was going to happen, either sooner or later. The sensation clung to me like a lifeline. My ears started to ring, and I covered them, just wishing for everything to stop.
My breathing became irregular, shallow gasps and I felt tears coming into play at the worst times. At this point, my hands and every body part I could feel was shaking uncontrollably and I felt my vision go white and the ringing come back, this time louder.
Once my vision came back, I looked around, utterly confused.

I was panting, my glasses on the floor with a small crack snaking up the lens.

"What just.. Zak?"

I didn't feel like using his IGN anymore. It wasn't very appropriate for the situation he was in.
Leaning down to pick my glasses up, I caught a glimpse of his face.

From the blinds closed strictly downwards, some of the light was spread in golden lines across his smooth skin.

I felt myself grow colder, and sadder as I brought my legs up to my chest, resting my head on them as I continued to glance over the poor boy. My heart ached.

"I would've gladly taken the hit for you, I hope you know that.."

The phone beside his bed began to ring. It didn't even seem real anymore. This was something in those cheesy Hallmark movies you watch when you're bored.

It was nearing 7 PM, and the sun was beginning to set with streaks of bright orange and fading yellow as it began to lower beneath the Earth.

There was a quick 2 knocks on the door before someone walked in. It was Mega and Zelkham.
I know that Mega probably wouldn't give a single shit about him, but I was quite shocked when I saw very subtle tear stains trailing in uneven patterns down his checks where his mask couldn't cover them.

There was a simply emotionless look on his face, but still the lingering feeling that he wanted to die.

"Hey Bad.."

I turned away from them, still looking at Zak sleeping in the hospital bed, the beeping of the heart monitor making me increasingly tired.

Still, I was determined not to fall asleep or leave until he was well and healthy again, then I could spend all the time I needed to with him.

Zelk's antlers scraped the door frame and he smiled a little bit. His expression changed though, when I didn't smile back.

"Bad, you haven't eaten. You've been here all day."
I didn't want to lose my composure so soon, I'd only cry when they left the room. I'd been doing it for the past few hours, forcing my eyes to open every time I felt myself drifting to sleep from crying so much.

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