thursday 6:28pm sander

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I stayed at home for the past two days, I couldnt leave my room, I dont know what I was scared of to be honest, my dad ? Maybe. Or maybe I was just scared of facing the other students, having all those looks on me. Oh how I hate it. I hate it so much.

I stayed in my bed during the past two day, I haven't done anything, since what happened in the car, I haven't even ate anything. My mom yelled at my dad for beating me up that hard. She said that he went too far and that he better not be that violent next time.

Suddenly I hear someone knocking at the door. I hear my mom making the person enter and she starts talking with the person, it seems to be a woman. Please dont be Britt, if there is one person that I dont wanna see today it is her.
After a while the person enters my room.
- Hey Sander, says my mom, your teacher came to visit you, she is concerned about how you are doing...
I dont answer and stay in my bed, they cant face me unless they move and go in front of me. But they don't.
My teacher asks to my mom :
- When did he eat for the last time ?
She probably noticed the food that my mom gave me to eat that I didnt touch at all.
- Hum, Tuesday morning... I guess.
- Tuesday morning ?! Are you telling me that he didnt eat anything during those past two days ?!
- No... he just refuses to eat sometimes...
I hear my teacher sighting and asking to my mom :
- Can you leave us for a moment please ?
- Sure.
She exits while my teacher sits on the bed.
- Sander ?... I just wanted to tell you that I am really sorry for what happened on Tuesday morning, I shouldn't have take you to the headmaster's office, it was dumb from me... when i saw how your dad looked at you and the way he talked about you... I immediately felt guilty...

I dont answer, what could I say ? What is done is done that's it.
- Sander, I am worried about you, I noticed that you are not really in touch with many people in the class, you seem to be really lonely... and you know, your dad, your bipolar disorders... and you also seem to have a eating disorder...
I sight, I dont have a eating disorder, it is a part of my bipolar disorders to skip meals when I am not feeling well, that's it.
She sits on the bed, there is a silence when we can only hear us inhale and then exhale. Suddenly she notices from behind that my cheek is somehow purple, she touches it and I react :
- Argh ! Fuck it hurts !
She now sees my whole face.
- What happened ?! Sander... your face ?!
- Fuckkk... okay you need to leave, or else I'll have problems. I say my hands on my hair
- Did your dad do this to you ?! When did it happen ??
I sight.
- Please just get out.
- Sander we need to call the police-
- We dont need to do anything ! But you need to get out ! NOW !
- Sander this is really serious, you might have gotten away with your bruises the other day but now this is different, this is becoming to be a bigger issue.
- It has been a big issue for years now ! It isnt a new thing !
- But i didnt know that it was such a big thing before! I didnt know he was going that far !
I laugh.
- What does it change ?! Uh ?? He is still my dad and I am still his son ! For fuck sake stop with your speech ! I know that you dont give a damn about me !

Suddenly my dad enters :
- Are you being disrespectful again ?! She is coming here to see how you are doing and you are treating her like shit ?!
I sight.
- He wasn't being disrespectful sir ! I was the one going to far into his privacy! immediately answer Miss Stuart
- Uh ? What do you mean you went to far in his privacy ?
I sight one more time and just say :
- Whatever... it doesn't matter.
My dad raises an eyebrow.
- Dont say stuffs like those please, it always matters ! What was the question ?
Miss Stuart looks at him and ask :
- Did you ever beat Sander up ?
- What ? Who told you that ? Is it him ?
- He didnt tell me anything, he didnt want to tell me what happened to his face, that's why he got angry.
- Well he got in a fight that's it.
She gives me a quick look and then answers :
- How did that happen ? I thought he was supposed to stay home.
- You know how are teenagers, especially him.
- Not really...
- Well Sander is the worst, that's it.
She doesn't say anything and just get out of the room :
- I think I am gonna leave, bye, thank you for receiving me.
- Okay, thank you for your visit. tells her my dad politely

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