saturday 4:04pm sander

191 11 0

My mom knocks at the door.
- Sander ?
- Hum ?
- Can I come in ?
- Hum.

She comes in and sits on the bed.
- How are you ?
- Fine. I just answer
- You sure ? she asks concerned
I sight.
- What do you want me to tell you ? Huh ?
She sights.
- How is your cheek ?
- Fine.
- Sander, I am really sorry... i-
- I know you're sorry mom, i just cant keep living with him that's it.
- But, we are a family...
- A family ? If we were a family those kind of things wouldnt happen ! I say while showing my cheek
- What can I do to make things better ?
- At this point, nothing. Maybe if when he started hitting me for the first time you immediately stopped him, maybe things would've been better.
- Are you really telling me that it is my fault ?
- I am not saying that... just that you may try to always protect me but, you never do anything against him, at first he was beating me when you weren't there and then he saw that it wasnt really a problem for you so now he does it no matter if you are there or not.
- What do you want me to do ? she asks desperate. He is twice stronger than I am !
- I dont know, maybe call the police or something...

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