Friday 8:47pm sander

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- Mannn what's up with Jana ? Uh ? Are you guys together or not ? asks Moyo to Jens
- No, we're just friends and that's probably better that way.

I get up and go take a beer on the table. Britt follows me.
- Hey babe !
She hugs me.
- Hey... hum... sorry I need to take a beer honey...
I am clearly trying to get away from her.
- Oh you're taking another beer ?
- Why do you make it sound like it is a bad thing ? It is just my third beer it's okay.
- If you say so.

I frown.
- What does that mean ?
- It means that we both know what can happen if you drink too much.

I roll my eyes and just at the moment I was about to answer back someone knock at the door.

- I am gonna open the door. I say as a reason to leave her.

I open the door and discover some random people that I dont really know staring at me and smiling.
- Hey ! I am Jana !
- Hum hey.. I say a bit confused
- Hi I am Zoë and this is Luka, Amber, my boyfriend Senne, my roommate Milan and this is Robbe ! says Zoë, a blond girl with a red lipstick

Senne gives me a smile with a quick "hey bro" and leaves while all the other girls say a big fat "hiiii"

I look at Robbe.
- So hum... I guess you found the time to come.
- Yeah, uh... it came to me that you might have think that I kinda hated you... but, I dont, i mean, we dont know each other... and Aaron told me that you are facing some ordeals so like, I know how it feels and having people being mean to you isn't really a great way to start feeling better.

He looks down on his feet while saying the whole thing.
I smile, nod and answer :
- I thought you came for the beers actually.
Robbe looks at me and laughs a bit.
- Yeah that's right, I came for the beers I just thought that maybe you'd let me come in if only I apologized.

He smiles kshskhdd oh my god his smile is so freaking cute!!
- Great thoughts! Here you can enter and take your beer man !

He laughs and enters.
- HEY MANNNNNN ! yells Jens, I didn't know you were coming!
- Yeah I decided that just before coming. It was a last minute decision !
- Well come here man, oh and broosss I got some weed !
- Oh fuck yessss ! laughs Robbe and Moyo and Aaron

They start smoking and Jens asks me if I want some, i nod and take a joint. I smoke it a bit until Britt shows up and starts yelling at me.
- Sander what the hell ?!
I sight, moma's mad...
- Seriously Sander stop sighting like that ! You know you cant smoke it isn't good for you !

I roll my eyes, the joint is starting to make its effect.
- Oh God, you know what, do whatever you want but dont call me when things go wrong !

She leaves mad as always.
- Finally ! I whisper
Robbe and the boys laugh.
- Man what was that ? asks me Moyo
- Uhh Britt doesn't want me to do drugs she thinks that if I do drugs I'll immediately become an addict. I simply answer

Jens laughs loudly.
- It doesn't work like that ! It is not by smoking one joint at a party that you'll become an addict !
- I know she is just weird ! I say
- Why are you still with her though ? If she pisses you off so much ? asks me Robbe

I sight.
- I dont really know to be honest, I guess I just dont like breaking hearts or whatever ? Or maybe it is because she's always been here for me no matter what... yeah i dont know...

There is a silence and I can feel Robbe staring at me, trying to know what is up in my mind.

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