Part 6 - Cry on my shoulder

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One week after what happened ...

Vee didn't bother Mark again, he disappeared completely. Mark thought it was definitely better this way. He wanted no tangles in his life, no trouble getting in the way of a relationship and less of one of the most popular and recognized couples in the entire engineering faculty, yes the couple of Vee and Ploy.

-Mark !!! Friend what are you thinking? You're in the clouds, Field told him.

-Ahhh, I was not only thinking about the asigment we have to submit today .... he said something nervous.

-Ok, let's continue ... Oiii look who goes there! your friend P'Vee and his girlfriend ...

-What??? He is not my friend!!!!

-Wow, they look so in love, how he hugs her ... I wish I had a girl like her, she's so hot and sensual ...

-Ehhh you're thinking about women or this asigment. Mark reproached him

Mark didn't want to look at the happy couple, he wasn't interested in hearing from them.

What had happened between them was another mistake, which he didn't want to make anymore. Error which he had succumbed to 2 times. Mark thought

-A trip over the same damn stone ...Mark wisphered.

-What did you say Mark?

-Guys, why don't we go to a quieter place, let's go to my dorm. I need to concentrate. Mark told his friends

-Ok, let's go , I think it's the best.

Mark took his books and put them in his backpack.

In the distance, standing next to his girlfriend ... Vee saw Mark's every move.

The boys settled into Mark's bedroom and moved quickly through work.

Suddenly Mark got a text message, it was Vee.

-"Little Mark, I miss you!"

-Vee, don't write to me anymore. Please! I don't want you to get into my life. Let's stop this absurdity.

-No, I don't want to! I like you.

-Don't be so stupid! You have a girlfriend, you are happy. I'm fine, how I am ... alone! Stop texting and bothering me, okay?

-Mark, we need to talk. Let me see you. Are you in your dorm? Vee asked him

-You can't read!! I don't want to see you Vee. Stop it ! I will block you!!

And immediately he blocked Vee's number. Mark was determined to stop this madness. He put his cell phone aside and he continued working with his friends..

About 20 minutes later, Mark heard someone knocking on his bedroom door.

He immediately ran to open the door. To his surprise it was Vee. Or maybe it wasn't surprising to see him there after blocking his number.

Mark held the door preventing the boys from seeing him. He didn't want to answer awkward questions. He had already told them that he did not know Vee and that they weren't friends either.

-What the hell are you doing here? Mark asked almost whispering.

-We need to talk.

-I can't now, I'm busy.

-Who the hell are you hiding Mark? One of your lovers? Suddenly he pushed open the door and it opened wide ...

-Oiii, P'Vee, what are you doing here? Did you come to visit Mark? Are you guys friends???

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