Part 11 - We both have issues

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- N'Mark, I'm all ears, what happened? what makes you so sad and depressed ?. Nuea asked him.

- P'Nuea, I don't know how to say it ...

Mark didn't dare tell his P that he had fallen in love with someone forbidden and that someone was his friend, Vee.

-Is it because of Vee? ... He said. He had noticed every time Vee chased him and he was always after him, at Gun's party they disappeared together.

-Damn P'Nuea why I'm so stupid, why did I fall for Vee's lies, why it hurts so much, love hurts this much

-Hey! We don't decide who we fall in love with

-Why him !!!, why it wasn't you !! he says he loves me, but he breaks my heart into a thousand pieces, he lies to me, but I'm still there, wanting to see him. Wishing he were by my side. Damn why I'm like this, so stupid

Mark couldn't stop his tears from streaming from the sadness in his heart.

Nuea approached and brought him closer to his body and let him cry into his chest ...

-You can cry here? Uhmmm, let all your pain out ... ok

-P'Nuea !!!! It hurts, and a lot ...

-I know, I know. You must be strong, nobody dies of love.

After a while like this, Nuea decided to tell Mark something.

-Are you feeling better?

-uhmm, a little

-Do you want me to tell you something? You know, it happened to me when I was younger and inexperienced in love stuff. I thought that love depended on the other person, that he could only be happy with someone else. But it was something deeper than that. It was a self discovery, it sounds far-fetched, right? value and love yourself.

First understand what is wrong with us, if our self-esteem is low, we believe that any kiss, hug, beautiful word from another is true love. We accept lies, mistreatment, etc. Believing that it is love ... It is not love, simply something toxic that destroys us, sometimes makes us addicted, we cannot live without that toxicity.

But if you open your eyes wide, you can realize it in time and avoid hurting yourself further.

Vee is my friend too, but I don't like his attitude towards you.

Mark you are valuable, you deserve to be happy. I wish I was the lucky one. I don't deny it !!, but it is fine if it is with another person. I am satisfied that we are friends.

-P'Nuea, thanks for telling me this. Actually, I took refuge in Vee, because I was lonely and depressed about Bar. I just got carried away. I was a fool. I shouldn't have believed him, he even had a girlfriend !! What kind of person am I, huh ??? I am not despicable. Tears kept streaming from his eyes. Mark felt like the worst person in the world.

-That's enough, don't keep blaming yourself. We all make mistakes in this life. The important thing is to accept them and try not to do it again.

-You know, here in the campus, people say that I have a reputation as a casanova, yes. I accept it at one point I was and I hurt many people both men and women. But when I realized that I was hurting myself as well, I decided to change, and until now. I think I really like someone for the first time.

-Seriously? Can I know who is the lucky one? ...

-Uhmmmm, nope. Nothing has happened between the two yet ... but I think I fell in love at first sight. He is a very cute boy. When something happens I'll tell you !!

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