Part 4 - Drinks come, Drinks go

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-You finally came back Ploy I thought you had abandoned me.

Vee said to his girlfriend while he lovingly hugged her and gave her kisses all over her neck.

-Love, wait until we enter the bedroom. We can't do it here. Vee wanted so badly to do it with his girlfriend, he had been without sex for many days and he really needed it.

When the girl opened the door the next door neighbor passed ... yes It was Mark.

-Good evening .... he said to the happy couple.

-Oiii N'Mark, time no see ...

- Same here.

Vee watched him while talking to his girlfriend.

-How about we have dinner one night together.

-Uhmmm, I don't think so. I don't like to bother couples.

-It is the best. Do not disturb or intrude. Vee said very seriously.

-Uhmmm you're right P'Vee. Have a good rest! Good night.


Mark walked in and decided to heat water for his instant noodle soup. That would be what he would eat today ... like every night ... while he was studying he listened to his neighbors having sex, that girl was so noisy ... or was it because the walls of the room were so thin. So all he had to do was put on some headphones and listen to some music ...

-How annoying!!!!! He's not even that good in bed. He said it from his own experience.

The next day...

Mark had swimming training. He was somewhat out of shape, since the P'Bar thing. But he was willing to resume his physical form and resume the competition, soon it would be the qualifiers for nationals. He wanted to be there anyway.

As he got ready he could see Vee in the distance in the stands.

-What the hell is that guy doing here !! I can't take it anymore.

-N'mark !!!! Vee yelled from the stands.

-Shut up P'Vee, you deconcentrate me.

-Then I'll stay here quiet, just watching you.

Mark just showed his disgusted face. Vee was so upseting. He insisted on following him everywhere.

While watching Mark swimming, Vee got a call from Ploy.

-Love, my Vee. I'm going to party tonight with the girls. I'd ask you to come with me to the bar but it's an all-girls night. Don't you get angry? You can sleep in my dorm room and I'll be back very early, I promise.

-Ploy... don't you think you're spending a lot of time with your friends and less time with me? I need you here. I feel like you've abandoned me.

-Don't say that!!! I still love you the same but we need space. You need it too. Go out with your friends, enjoy your life. We can't be together all the time. It's annoying Vee. I don't want to be attached to you all the time.

-What do you say Ploy? You got bored of me?

-It's not that Vee. We are still young, we are in college. You have to enjoy this time, because it will not return. We are a couple but it does not mean that we are husband and wife. Not yet!!!

-I get it. You got bored of me

-See, don't be so immature. You know what, we better talk later. I find this conversation ridiculous. Goodbye!

-Yes.... Go with your friends !!!

And he immediately hung up. The situation with Ploy was going from bad to worse.

TOXIC NO MOREOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora