Breakfast (After Invincible era)

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It was Saturday, which means that Michael had the weekend off from rehearsing and stuff like that.

Paris, Prince, and Bigi woke me up in my bedroom and I had to smile.

"Let's go and have breakfast. How about I make some pancakes"?


We all went to the kitchen and I kindly told the children to sit down at the table.

"I think we should let Daddy sleep in a little bit this morning, he was really tired yesterday".

I said as I took out the pancake mix from the cabinet.

"Yeah. He was really tired".

Paris whispered, so she wouldn't wake up her father.

After I finished making enough pancakes for all of us, I showed the children how to set up the table for breakfast.

Once we had our drinks poured into cups, we all sneaked upstairs to wake up Michael.

"Michael? Time to eat breakfast"!

I knocked on the bedroom door.

A few minutes passed, and we didn't hear anything.

"Daddy! Are you awake, yet"?

Paris called and then Bigi knocked on the door.

I smiled when the king of pop finally came out of his bed chambers.

"Good morning everyone, sorry for not answering you right away. I'm still a little sleepy".

He hugged and kissed his children.

I giggled when Michael lifted me up and spun me around in the air and I kissed him on the lips as he put me down on my feet.

Once we all got into the kitchen, the singer was surprised when he saw a freshly batch of pancakes on the table, four sets of utensils, napkins, and drinks.

"I made breakfast while you were still in bed".

I proudly told Michael.

"Aw, that's so sweet of you"!

Michael pulled me into a hug, making me giggle some more.

We all sat down at the table and began eating.

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