Michael Gets Turned Into A Baby

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I was just waking up one morning to get dressed into my day clothes when all of sudden, a sound of glass breaking was heard.

I walked into the living room to go investigate.

And guess what?

There was Michael Jackson as a baby!

"Wait...is that"?

Michael still had his vilitago skin patches and the Peter Pan pajamas he was wearing were way too big on him.

I ran over and sat down next to him on the floor.


I grinned.

Michael frowned.

And then, he started to cry.

"No no, don't cry Michael. I'm here for you! See"?

I smiled gently.

Michael stopped crying and I carefully wiped his tears away with my fingers.

"I'm gonna change you into some different clothes. The ones you have on are way too big for you. And then I'll put on your facial cream and makeup so your vilitago can be covered up".

After finding Michael some baby clothes that would fit him, I carried him into the bathroom and found where he keeps his cream which is what Michael uses to hide his vilitago skin patches.

I carefully put it on all over his body,

"There. All done".

Michael smiled and then he began to laugh and babble like a baby would do.

"Too cute! You're my baby MJ".

I kissed him on the head and then we went to the kitchen to eat breakfast.

After that, I got a call from Jermaine Jackson, one of Michael's brothers.

"Wait a minute! So, you're telling me that Michael turned into a baby and you don't even know how that happened? We're coming over in 3-4 minutes".

Soon, Michael had finished his breakfast of peas and carrots baby food.

He giggled as I carried him into the living room to play with some of the toys that I gave him.

Suddenly, the front door was forcefully pushed open and in came Randy, Jermaine, Tito, Marlon, and Rebbie.

They were all standing there in shock.

"He's definitely turned into a baby, alright".

Randy picked baby Michael up and then stuck out his tongue in disgust.

"What is it"?

I asked.

"He needs a diaper change".

So, I took Michael to his bedroom and took off the dirty diaper.

I put some baby powder on his crotch and his butt.

And then, I put a clean diaper on him.

"Good boy Michael".

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