Winter Wonderland

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It snowed all night and now the ground was covered in a frosty cold white material.

Some of the people who worked at Neverland had to clear the area near the rides and even the sidewalk that led to Michael's house.

When I came outside to get the newspaper, I noticed that the road leading to the big Neverland gate had ice all over it.

"You and Michael had best be careful out here, it's really slippery".

One of the security guards advised me.

I smiled and nodded my head.

Soon, Michael came outside wearing his bright red scarf, a pair of gloves, a heavy winter jacket and a cute little Santa hat.

"It's f-f-freezing out here".

He shivered and I had to giggle.

We started out by taking a stroll around the Merry-Go-Round and then the Ferris Wheel.

A lot of the animals were sleeping while trying to keep warm.

I found an icicle hanging upside-down on one of the cages.

Michael tried to lick it and I shook my head, moving it away from him.

"You'll get your tongue stuck like in the holiday movie A Christmas Story, silly".

I giggled and then he smiled and held his hands up to his face, blowing air into them.

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