Pranking Michael and his Kids

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I was giggling to myself as I put on my costume.

Today's prank included me dressed like Samara from The Ring.

I had a long black wig and some people who produced the movie volunteered to help me, as they were huge fans of Michael Jackson.

"Okay F/n, I've got all the tv's ready to go".

That was my cue.

I also made myself look all slimy by spraying myself with water and a little bit of black ink.

Michael's kids were watching Peter Pan on the TV they had in their bedroom.

And their father was taking a shower in the bathroom.

Suddenly, the TV changed it's course and then the screen became squiggly.


Paris called.

"Something's wrong with our TV".

Prince added.

Bigi was still sitting on the floor and then his attention turned to the TV.

I made myself look I was crawling out of the screen and then Prince and Paris came back with their father, who had just come out of her shower.

"Oh no! Blanket get away from there"!

Michael said to his youngest son.

But the little boy didn't hear him.

I stepped out of the TV covered in water and my face was covered by the long black wig.


I suddenly shouted, making Michael gasp.

"Emily, what the heck are you doing? Why are you dressed like that"?

Michael asked, and the kids laughed as they ran to hug me.

"It was a prank Michael, you silly goose".

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