Chapter 12- Strangers

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Xingchen was sitting on the chair in Xue Yang's office, playing with a knife, waiting for his boyfriend to come back from his errand. He heard a knock on the door and said, "Come in."
Three men walked in and saw Xingchen, "Who are you?" One of them asked.
"You don't know me yet?" Xingchen asked, "Damn, I would've thought Xue Yang told everyone by now."
"Did he just call boss by his real name?" Another one said.
"He did," the third one said, "who are you? And what are you doing in boss's office?"
"He let me be here, he went to pick up some papers and he should be back soon," Xingchen replied calmly.
"Why are you using his knife, it's his favorite one," the first one said.
"This one? No, his favorite is the black one, he bought me this one yesterday," Xingchen said smiling.
"Why would he buy you one?" The man asked, "Who are you?"
"He's my boyfriend," a voice said from the doorway, it was Xue Yang.
"Wait...shit, he's Flower Bird!" The first man said, "He's Xiao Xingchen!"
"Finally!" Xingchen said chuckling, "Took you guys long enough." He stood up and let Xue Yang sit down before sitting on the man's lap.
"What do three want?" Xue Yang asked. Xingchen wrapped his arms around his lover's neck and licked the man's ear. He bit the soft flesh and shivered when Xue Yang ran a hand on up his thigh, dangerously close to his entrance.
"U-uh, we were sent to uh te-tell you that the Wens wa-want revenge," the third man said. Xingchen rolled his eyes and turned back to look at them.
"Is that all? Or do you have any papers for us to sign?" He asked sweetly.
"N-no sir," the same man said.
Xingchen's eyes turned dark but his face stayed the same, causing a scary aura, "Then scram."
"Yes sir!" The three said and ran out the door.
Xingchen giggled, "I should do that more often," he said before turning to Xue Yang and kissing him deeply. The man kissed back and bit his bottom lip harshly, causing Xingchen to moan softly.
He straddled Xue Yang and moved his hips forward, grinding their fronts together. He moaned into the kiss and rubbed against the man desperately, "Daddy," he whispered, "I've been good today haven't I?"
Xue Yang smiled at the man desperately rubbing against him, "You have, but...."
"But what?" Xingchen whimpered.
"We have work," Xue Yang finished and turned Xingchen around. Xingchen saw a stack of papers and groaned.
"Do we have to?" He asked, "I want you so badly."
"Sorry darling, you can have me all you want after we finish," Xue Yang promised. Xingchen had never began reading so quickly, he read through the papers and signed what he had to.
Xue Yang chuckled while he worked at his boyfriend's eager face. He placed a hand on Xingchen's inner thigh and rubbed it gently, causing Xingchen to shiver in delight.
He was almost finished when the door busted open to Wei Ying, "Xingchen, there's this stupid girl asking for a fight. Because you apparently stole Xue Yang from her."
Xingchen sighed, "The same one?"
"Yes," Wei Ying said tiredly, he was talking about HuiYuan. He also had a different name, two to be in fact. Wei Wuxian, which is what everyone called him, and the
"I'm coming," Xingchen stood up with a pout and walked with Wei Ying, Xue Yang following close behind. The arrived at the training room where there was already a crowd waiting for them, "HuiYuan, when will you give up," he said.
"Never!" The woman said, in her annoying high pitched voice, "I had Xue Yang first and you stole him from me."
"I didn't steal him," Xingchen sighed, "and you know you're going to loose this fight."
"I won't I-Xue Yang!" She saw the man and ran to him. She hugged his arm, pressing her chest against the man's bicep, "Did you come to support me?"
"No, I came to support my boyfriend," Xue Yang said, snatching his arm back. He walked to Xingchen and wrapped an arm around the man's waist, "If you want to fight him then you're going to loose. He was trained by me personally."
The girl huffed and took out a dagger, "We'll see about that!" Everyone stepped back and created a circle around the two.
Xingchen took his own dagger out and let HuiYuan attack first. The woman ran to him and tried to cut his shoulder but when she arrived he was gone. She heard giggling behind her and felt a kick on her back, throwing her to the ground.
"Come on," Xingchen cooed, as if he was talking to a baby, "you can do it honey. Get up."
HuiYuan growled and stood up. She took her gun out and shot at Xingchen's head who ducked.
"Oh come on! You can't just use a gun," he complained.
"You little slut!" The woman screamed shooting again. Xingchen's eyes grew dark and he stood up slowly, he walked to the woman menacingly.
"What did you call me?" He asked.
HuiYuan began trembling at the cold stare, "Slut."
Xingchen raised a hand and slapped her across the face. "Never, and I mean never, call me a slut. Unless you have a death wish on the spot."
He walked back and heard a loud bang, he looked sown at his stomach and saw blood spilling from the shot. He threw his dagger behind him and heard multiple gasps, he knew he didn't miss, "I'm just a sucker for pain darling."
Xue Yang watched with wide eyes as his lover took his shirt off revealing a bulletproof vest. He smiled, "That's my boy."
Xingchen took the vest off and put his shirt back on. He walked to Xue Yang and put his hands behind the man's head, "How was that?"
"Wonderful, darling," Xue Yang said. Xingchen smiled and kissed his lover deeply, gripping the hair tightly. Xue Yang tapped the back of Xingchen's thighs and the man jumped, wrapping his legs around Xue Yang's waist.
The crowd applauded as the couple kissed each other lovingly. Everything was perfect, well that's what they thought anyways.

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