Chapter 1- Bar Meeting

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"Xingchen! Can you come out with me later? I'm going to a club to meet up with Lan Zhan and I don't want to go alone," it was Wei Ying, he was pouting childishly but Xingchen laughed.
"I have to study," he said smiling.
"Just this once! It'll be fun, I promise," Wei Ying pleaded.
Xingchen sighed, "Fine, but no later than 12."
"Yay! Thank you Xingchen!" Wei Ying hugged the man quickly before running away to his room. They were roommates in college and got along easily.
Xingchen sat down at his desk and turned on the little lamp. He began to silently do his homework and read his books until the day ended.
It was around 8 when Wei Ying popped his head into Xingchen's room, "You ready yet?"
"Almost," Xingchen said as he looked for his shoes. He found them and threw them on before running out with Wei Ying, he was nervous.
They got in Wei Ying's car and drove to the club. It was a very famous club that a lot of people went to, the drinks were always good and everyone always had fun.
The two men arrived to the bar and walked inside where Wei Ying dragged Xingchen to the small bar. There they met a man in white, "Lan Zhan!" Wei Ying called.
The said man turned around, "Wei Ying, how are you?" He said in a deep voice.
Wei Ying let go of Xingchen and ran to his boyfriend, he wrapped his arms around the man and said, "Good, how about you?"
"Good," he replied. Xingchen smiled at the interaction and sat down at the bar.
"What will be sir?" A young woman asked.
"Uh just water," Xingchen said, he was very lightweight and couldn't handle alcohol whatsoever. The woman nodded and went to get some water. As Xingchen was waiting a man in a black button up shirt sat down next to him, he turned to him and smiled.
The man smiled back before turning to the waiter, "I'll have a bottle of rose," he said.
"Of course," the man responded and grabbed the bottle from the shelf, "here you are sir."
"Thanks," the man in black said. He opened the bottle and began drinking from it, he stopped and turned to Xingchen, "What's your name beautiful?"
Xingchen turned red at the name, "Xingchen," he responded shyly.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Xue Yang," the man said.
"Nice to meet you too," Xingchen said softly, he took a sip of his water slowly.
"Are you here alone?" Xue Yang asked.
"No, I'm here with a friend," Xingchen said pointing at Wei Ying who was making out with Lan Zhan.
"He seems a bit busy don't you think?" Xue Yang said chuckling.
"Yeah," Xingchen laughed.
Xue Yang quickly finished the bottle and put it down, "How old are you?"
"22, you?"
"21," Xue Yang replied sadly.
"Must be fun," Xingchen said teasingly.
"It sure is!" Xue Yang said sarcastically. They shared a laugh and Xue Yang spoke again, "Do you want to come over to mine's?"
"Depends, what are we going to do?" Xingchen said scooting back slightly.
"What do you want to do? I'm down with anything," Xue Yang said.
"Watch a movie?" Xingchen suggested.
"Sure," Xue Yang said before grabbing Xingchen's hand and pulling him outside.
Xingchen walked behind the man and felt someone touch his waist, he moved away and got closer to Xue Yang who smirked.
"You alright beautiful?" Xue Yang asked.
"I'm fine, j-just a few people touching me," Xingchen said shivering.
     "Stay next to me then," Xue Yang said smiling comfortingly.
      Xingchen looked at the man's eyes and smiled, "Y-yeah, I will." They stared into each other's eyes for a while longer before Xue Yang turned away shyly and continued walking.
     They walked outside without anymore troubles and went to Xue Yang's car. They drove away in silence except for the sound of a running car.
    The two men arrived to a small house, "Sorry if it's not much, I travel around a lot," Xue Yang said as they got out.
     "It's alright, I understand," Xingchen said smiling. They went inside and Xue Yang got a few snacks out, he stopped and turned to Xingchen.
     "Are you allergic to anything?" He asked.
     Xingchen shook his head, "No."
     "Alright, what drink do you want? I have juice, water and soda," Xue Yang said taking out the items.
"Uh soda," Xingchen said taking one from the man. They went upstairs with the snacks and drinks and sat down on the bed.
Xue Yang turned the screen on and put a movie on, it was a sweet movie about two best friends who were in love but didn't know it. They watched the movie silently, eating their snacks and drinking their sodas.
By the time the movie ended Xingchen was close to tears. "Are you seriously crying?" Xue Yang asked astonished.
"It was sad!" Xingchen said, "And we never got to know who called his name!"
"Well maybe there be another part," Xue Yang said, "now stop crying." He wiped Xingchen's tears with his thumb carefully and smiled comfortingly.
    Xingchen nodded with a red face, "A-alright," he looked out the window, "it's late. I should get going."
    "Why don't you stay the night?" Xue Yang suggested.
     "Are you sure?" Xingchen asked, "I don't want to bother you or anything."
     "No, it's fine," Xue Yang assured him, "you can stay."
      Xingchen smiled and nodded softly, "Alright, I'll sleep on the couch then," he stood up but was pulled back down.
    "No, you're sleeping on the bed," Xue Yang said sternly, "I'm sleeping on the couch."
     "No it's fine, I can sleep on the couch," Xingchen insisted, "I don't mind."
      "I have a guest room," Xue Yang said, "just sleep there."
     "Are you sure?" Xingchen asked, his eyes were sparkling and looked innocent.
     Xue Yang smiled, "I'm sure."
    They stared at each other for a couple more minutes before Xingchen grew shy and looked away, "Alright," he mumbled. He stood up and walked with Xue Yang to another room where he slept in peace.

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