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Levi woke up one day and checked his phone. He got a text from Sangwoo who asked him if he wanted to go to a bar. Levi thought about it and replied sure while sighing.

He got out of bed and changed. He got into his car and drove to the bar. There he saw Sangwoo. They casually approached each other until Levi realized there was someone next to Sangwoo.

Sangwoo introduced his new friend, Alvin to Levi. Levi blushed a little bit. This was the first person he ever met that was shorter than him. Alvin greeted him and they all went off to drink.

The waiter that day was James Charles. "Hi sisters sksksk, what can I get for you guys!!"
Levi thought about it and ordered some random drink (I'm sorry I don't know any alcoholic drink names 😃). Levi and Alvin started talking and Levi felt his cheeks burning up. After a few hours, everyone including Sangwoo was wasted.

Alvin looked seductively at Levi and asked him "Wanna come over to my place cutie?" while smirking.

Levi was shocked but he accepted. Levi told Sangwoo that he was going to Alvin's place and Sangwoo said sure since he needed to beat Yoonbum more. They all drove off to their houses.

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