"Good morning." She looked weirdly at her angered little brother

Sekani's eye twitched, sucking his teeth "You going to the farthest pits of the underworld and I'm so serious."

"For what?" Kenji questioned, laughing while hugging Eddie

Sekani was a bit of a time freak. He despised being late even though it was in his blood to be at least twenty minutes behind time.

"Alright now, you two have a good day at school." Eddie said, eagerly pushing both kids towards the door. Today was his off day and he couldn't wait to have the house to himself.

"You so trifling." Kenji expressed

"Mhm." Eddie hummed with a smile "And imma be trifling in the house... by myself!"

"Dad I-" Sekani began to say but was rudely interrupted by the door slamming in his face

Kenji stood there watching as her younger brother marched angrily down the driveway to his mothers car.

As she began to follow, the door opened once again and Eddie peeped his head outside with a warm, innocent smile.

"Wassup Nita!" Eddie waved excitedly

"Negro please!" Anita responded, rolling her auburn colored eyes sassily "Don't shut no damn door in my baby face!"

Anita Easton was a woman that some would call mean spirited but that wasn't near truthful, being from Queens New-York resulted in her sounding more aggressive than she would intend.

Kenji opened the passenger door with a greeting smile "Morning miss Nita, please ignore my daddy. He feelin' a lil sassy today."

"Girl I been dealing with your father for fifteen years, ian stuntin' his black ass." Anita chuckled "And stop callin' me miss Nita, shit! Make me feel old as hell."

"You is old as hell..." Sekani mumbled from the backseat with a mischievous giggle

"Don't make me slap the shit out you boy!" The mother scolded, scrunching her face as she pressed down on the gas

"You ain't nothing but forty-two years old right?" Kenji questioned


"Pushing fifty." Sekani coughed sarcastically

"Keep on Amir, watch I whoop your ass." Anita threatened, curling her lips menacingly with every word

Kenji raised an eyebrow, glancing back at her younger brother while he simply laughed.

"Are you coming to dads house this weekend?"

The traveling tactics between this family were a bit weird considering Sekani and Kenji did not have the same mother nor did they permanently live at their fathers house together and neither did they attend the same high-school.

On most Fridays, Sekani would spend the weekend at Eddie's home then on Mondays, Anita would take Kenji and Sekani to school.

"Nope." The boy said, popping the P "Me and Tana going on a two man Saturday, then I'm visiting my grandma on Sunday."

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