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"Alright gentlemen.. So this is how it's gunna work," the college student started her speech. "You'll all have one gun with stations for ammo set up around the arena, you have the entire day, and you all have you're gear, and you start with ten points. To loose point you get hit, to gain points you hit someone else. You have ten minutes to pick a partner and get in the arena, got that?" She pressed a few buttons and a loud beeping sound was heard.
"Alright dudes! Everyone pick a straw!"
Everyone ran towards Russia, but if course Russia rigged it so that everyone got the partner they wanted, given England and France, of course. Germany and Italy went up first.
"Ludwig we're a team!" He hugged the taller Nation, to which he sighed and started to jog into the arena. Spain and Romano were teammates, earning Spain a head but, and Lichtenstein and Switzerland were paired together. Along with cursing and laughter, Denmark and America were paired, and so were Prussia and Canada.
After Greece and Japan, France and England were paired, causing violation of many "hands off" rules in the arena. (Take that as you will) after all if that, only Russia and China were left, earning poor Yao Ivan's creepy smile.
Everyone bolted through the arena as the clock started to count down, and they all slipped on their helmets and discussed plans.
The clock counted down until one and all eight pairs heard the booming buzzer go off...

Authors note~
Okay so I'll separate all of the groups into different chapters, hopefully they'll get done sooner or later... ^_^; again, sorry for this chapter being so bloody short.... You guys know I love you all but my brain is sticking to Attack on Titan and IrelandRaenne and my selfs story, Attack on Role Play~ please go check it out..? x3 alright, love you guys~! And again, I'm sorry it's so short, but I hope you enjoy!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2015 ⏰

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