The end of The Red Death

Start from the beginning

We flew around to the front and then flew in formation with me at the front on Spitfire.
"Ruff, Tuff watch your backs!" Hiccup instructed,
"Move Fishlegs!" I shouted. I spotted an opening.
"Follow me!" I shouted and they did that while shouting about being on dragons.
"Fishlegs break it down." Hiccup said.
"Okay! Heavily armoured skull, tail made for bashing and crushing! Small eyes, large nostrils, relys on hearing and smell.
I nodded then made a plan.
"Okay! Lout, legs hang in its blind spot! Make some noise, keep it confused! Ruff, Tuff find out if she has a shot limit! Make her mad!" I instructed. Hiccup smiled at me which I returned but our moment was broken by the twins.

Ruffnut shouted, "That's my speciality!" "Since when? Everyone knows I'm more irritating. See?!" He flipped his dragon's head upside down. I sighed.
"Just do as she told you!"
"We'll be back as soon as we can!" I finished for Hiccup. With that us Nadders peeled off and towards the burning boats.
"Hiccup wait!" He turned to me.
"NOW!!!" I shouted through a mind link and scaudrons burst from the water, putting out most of the flames.
"Woah! Nice one Tauriel!" I did a Night Fury call and waited till it was returned. I turned to Hiccup and Astrid.
"Follow me!" He nodded before following me to our dragons. When we got there I flipped off and signalled for Spitfire to help the others.
"Go help the others!" Hiccup told Astrid who nodded and left.
"Okay hold on...hold on." Hiccup says to Toothless. I sigh and turn to Mystique.
"I have to melt it." She nodded. I focused on melting the chains and they started to turn red. A few seconds later there is liquid metal dripping off before Mystique turned the contraption to splinters.
She nuzzled me as a thank you.
We turned to help the boys but saw the Red Death's foot about to sink the ship.
"Look out!" I shouted but it was too late. The ship broke and we all plunged into the ocean. Me and Hiccup swam to Toothless, determined to save him.
"GO!" I shook my head and started heating the metal. Hiccup started loosing air so I signaled Mystique to get him. The chain holding Toothless down broke and I snapped the wood away. I mounted him and we flew to the surface.
I dismounted Toothless when I saw Hiccup with a look of relief on his face. I smiled at him.
"I believe this is your dragon sir," I joked before mounting Mystique as he got ready on Toothless.
"Hiccup!" We heard Stoick say. We turned to him.
"I'm sorry. For...for everything." He said looking at both of us.
"Yeah, me too." Hiccup sighed.
"You don't have to go up there."
"We're Vikings, it's an occupational hazard." Hiccup said making me chuckle and Stoick smile whilst taking Hiccup's hand in his huge ones.
"I'm proud to call you my son," he turned to me,
"And you a member of the Hooligan Tribe." I smiled and nodded in thanks.
"Thanks dad." Hiccup said before nodding at me which I returned.
"Let's go guys!" I called and we all took off.

Astrid's dragon suddenly gets trapped in the Red Death's breath vacuum. Hiccup flew by and blasted it while I flew by and caught Astrid who was separated from her dragon in the blast.
"Did you get her?!" I asked Mystique who smiled at Astrid while gurgling at me as if to say 'of course I got her'. We dropped Astrid off near the other Vikings and caught up with Hiccup and Toothless.
"What's the plan?" He asked. I looked back at the dragon and noticed wings.
"That thing has wings. Let's see if it can use them!" I shouted and we both dived. We then blasted it together and it fell on its side.

"Do you think that did it?!" Hiccup asked. I looked back then at Hiccup.
"Well it can fly!" I answered. We sped up and passed the Vikings who cheered for us. Hiccup looked up and smirked.
"Okay guys, time to disappear. Come on bud." We followed them but I had an idea.
"Mystique! Camouflage!" She went invisible taking me with her as we flew beside Hiccup. Once we entered the clouds we flew apart to confuse her.
"Hiccup let's take turns blasting her wings to weaken them."
So we did just that. She got angry and shot fire everywhere hitting Toothless' tail in the process.
"Hiccup! Remember the day with Terrible Terrors?"
"Lets fire into her throat when she gasses up and set fire to her insides and she'll crash whilst we pull up."
"Got it!"
So we became visible and I got her attention.
"COME ON YOU FAT, UGLY, FLYING, FIRE-BREATHING LIZARD!!" I shouted to get her to follow us. We dived her diving after us.
"I WILL END YOU ONCE AND FOR ALL AND BECOME QUEEN OVER ALL DRAGONS!!" She screeched. I looked at Hiccup and saw Toothless' tail.
"We're good! We're good buddy just a little bit longer!" Hiccup told him. I held my breath and then,
"NOW!!" we all flipped over and the dragons fired into her mouth which caught fire. She saw the ground and spread her wings but they ripped and she crashed into the Island. We pulled back just in time and were dodging her spines when Toothless' tail broke and Hiccup was hit by the club-like tail. I jumped after him and caught him just as the fire touched his foot. I wrapped my wings around him when I felt myself being wrapped in someone else's wings before I blacked out.

Stoick POV

I ran through the smoke, desperate to find my son and his new friend.
"HICCUP! HICCUP! SON!"I shouted until I saw a black mass laying on the ground so I ran towards it. I noticed an empty, torn-up saddle on the dragon's back and that half its tail was missing.
"Oh son. I did this." I said falling to my knees. I looked up and saw the dragon looking at me,
"I'm so sorry." It nodded and opened its wings to reveal the girl but....WITH WINGS! She stirred and saw me before smiling and opening her wings with a grimace of pain. She revealed Hiccup. SHE SAVED HIM!
"Hiccup!" I raced forward and pulled Hiccup to me. I removed my helmet and placed my ear on his chest.
"He's alive, you all brought him back alive." I smiled at Tauriel? I think her name was and she returned it whilst putting away her wings before she grabbed her head and blacked out again.
"Let's get home." I said to Gobber before hearing a loud whine. I looked up and saw a black and white dragon looking around frantically. Astrid ran forward.
"Hey hey, Mystique calm down she's fine. She's over here come." She soothed the dragon who ran over to us and whined. I smiled and pointed to Tauriel. The dragon nudged her before placing her on her back. I nodded to her and Gobber took Tauriel whilst the dragons helped the Night Fury.

The Queen of Dragons ( Hiccup x OC)Where stories live. Discover now