[8] News

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-Oh P.O.V-

It's A week after Mrs. Jitra Announced the Play that we're going to perform. News had been announced both Good and Bad.


Here we are at the auditorium Preparing the stage and the actors rehearsing their lines. When suddenly Copper approached me.

"Hey Oh" He started.

"Yeah" I answered.

"Are you free later?" He asked.

"Well Yeah, why did you ask?" I answered.

"It's Nothing" He replied.

He walked back towards where he came from and suddenly look back.

"And before I forget meet me at the exit gate later" He said and continue walking.

Well that was somewhat sort of strange.

Now back to making the Stage Props.

"Students I have some announcements" Mrs. Jitra said that caught our attentions.

"First, Bill can't play his part, And we need an replacement right now" Mrs. Jitra said that started some whispers.

"Second, The Play will be postponed for two months so instead of October it will be perform on December" Mrs. Jitra Added.

"Third There are changes of scripts, get it at my office later" Mrs. Jitra said, before asking if there are questions.

"Who's Going to Replace Bill?" A student asked.

"Yes, About that I have picked Oh to replace Bill" Mrs. Jitra said but I didn't pay to much attention.

"Oh!" Sun silently Shouted.

"What?" I replied.

"You're going to replace Bill" Sun answered.

Now enough of that yeah I replace Bill and I like the fact that I can perform, Even though I don't like acting or Rehearsing.

After we finished at the auditorium I attended my classes, Got a Zero on a test. And got scolded by a teacher for Sleeping, Let's just say it's really not my day.

Now I need to meet up with the Dragon Copper.

At the Exit Gate, I saw Nam, Sun, Peach, Copper, and In. Besides each other like looking for someone and maybe I am that someone.

"Hey guys!" I said.

"What took you so long?" Copper asked.

"I was punished to clean the room by myself for sleeping" I answer.

They all started to laugh when I asked them why they just answered 'Because you got punished' Really there is nothing funny about that.

"Copper, why did want to met up with you?" Nam asked.

"I have News" Copper said in excitement.

"You are going to transfer school, I'm gonna miss you" In said sarcastically.

"No I'm not" Copper answer.

"What is it your gonna drop out?" Nam asked

"Guys let Copper Finish" I said.

"Thank you Oh" Copper said.

"Well for being my Friends I want to announce to you all that Peach and I are together" Copper added.

Wait what Copper and Peach are in a relationship, this can't be happening.

"Oh?" Sun said waving his hand back and forth in front of my face.

"Yeah" I answered.

"What were you thinking?, You were zoned out" Sun said.

"Nothing important" I said.

"Guys how about let's go to the mall let's have some fun" Copper said whick all of them agreed.

"Im sorry I really like to but i need to go home" I said and started to Walk away.

I got home opened my Facebook account, And I saw one of Copper's Post about being in a relationship with Peach, I check out the comments and immediately saw harsh comments towards Peach, I wanted to Protect peach but how?

I made a Facebook account called Pipeman, I go to the same post and started commenting, let's just say, protecting peach from hateful comments.

And then rumours had spread that Peach is Cheating on Copper with Pipeman.

But I didn't stop protecting her.

-End of FlashBack-

As I had said there are Good and Bad news.

"Hey Oh!" Someone shouted angrily at me.


I am very sorry for the late update and for this Short chapter.

I am really trying my best but I am to much busy with school.

I hope you understand.

I am currently trying to figure out my schedule so if I can figure it out maybe I can update every Sunday from now on.

Hope you enjoyed.


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