[4] Clubs And Clubmates

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-Oh P.O.V-

It is currently eleven a.m time for breaktime my favorite time at school well how could you hate Breaktime unless your a nerd.

"Hey Oh" Sun started,

"Yes?" I replied,

"What club are you gonna join?" He asked,

"I didn't really think about it" I answered, "How about you?" I asked,

"I was planning on to join High Q Brain that Mr.Decha run you know your homeroom teacher" He answered,

"Yeah maybe I will join High Q Brain it seems interesting" I said,

"That's a good idea here's your forms" Nam said out of no where and seating across us and giving us club forms,

"We are not sure about joining it" Sun said,

"Come on Sun, Oh will be joining" Nam said,

"Who said I'll be joining?" I asked,

"You" Nam answered,

"I said MAYBE I'll join" I said,

"Come on join me in High Q Brain" Nam pleased,

"Okay, okay we will join" I said,

"Wait you don't even going to consult me first?" Sun asked,

"No need to consult you I know you join what I join" I said,

"Well your right" Sun said,

"Now fill up this forms" Nam said pushing the forms to our elbows.

We have sign the forms and give it to Nam and walked away to give our forms to Mr.Decha

"And before I forget we will have a meeting later at three" Nam said before leaving.

Now Sun and I are alone again we have talk for a while until the bell rings sign that we need to go back to class.

"Byeee Sun see you later" I said looking back at him,

"Byee Oh" Sun said also looking back at me.

I rushed towards my class and seated on my seat and the teacher start and then finish another teacher came start and then finish and another teacher came start and then finish.

It is now three in the afternoon I rushed towards to the High Q Brain club room to attend the meeting, the meeting took only for an hour, when the meeting had finished Mr.Decha sent us directly to go home. No need to tell what was the meeting about its not your concern.

Its been three days since I had joined the High Q Brain club and I am really enjoying my self at this club not like the Drama club where you can't be yourself because you always have to act and act and act.

Mr.Decha had made a meeting.

"You must be wandering why are we having a meeting at this time" Mr.Decha started,

"Well yes sir, why?" Nam said.

And Nam is the student Head of our class he really know how to manage us even though that we only have five students at this club. Now back to the meeting.

"The Director had settle his mind to remove our club for we are lacking students and we cannot do anything about it for all students already have clubs" Mr.Decha said,

"So our club well be close" I said,

"Unfortunately yes" Mr.Decha said,

"for what happened you need to join another club with in two days. Mr.Decha said.

The meeting had finished, as soon as we got out of the room we had looked for a club to join but all the clubs are not accepting members anymore, that's what I thought but there is still one club that will accept members and yes you guess it right it's the drama club we have no choice if we don't join any club points will be deducted to us, We joined the club.

Guess what, We joined the club and guess who's faces we saw first, Yes Copper and In, the bullies well they didn't bother me anymore after the deal of Copper and me so there is no point to be scared of getting bully, right?

But It all paid off even if Copper and In is this club well guess what Peach is in this club too yes my one and only crush.

We have joined the club and return back to our classrooms.

The classed had finished I got of my classroom and saw Sun and Nam waiting for me, I think?

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked,

"To wait for you" They answered in unison,

"Why though?" I asked,

"You didn't hear the Drama club will having a meeting" Nam said.

We run toward the Drama club room for the meeting.

"Good afternoon students of drama class, for this meeting I would like to announce your first assignment in the club" Mrs.Jitra said,

"For this assignment you will do a short film but not any short film, the short film must show support for boy to boy relationship or girl to girl relationship" Mrs.Jitra added,

"You will be grouped into six members and its a must that every member will have a screen time" Mrs.Jitra explained,

"Now for the groups, Group one will have .......... Group two members .......... For Group three ........... For Group four .......... And now for Group five, Peach, Oh, Copper, Nam, Sun and In" Mrs.Jitra announced the groups.

Yes teachers call us our first names. But that's besides the point I am grouped with Copper and In why but I think It don't matter well I'm grouped with Nam and Sun and also Peach.

"Now go to your groups and talk and plan about the short film you will be doing" Mrs.Jitra ordered that we followed as quickly as possible.

"So" Nam started,

"For now let's just talk and when you go home you can plan any suggestions and we can discuss it tomorrow" Copper said,

"So can we go now?" I asked,

"No I said talk not leave" Copper said.

We have talked for a while and you don't even know what we talked about unless you want to know and read nonsense about our lives, yes we didn't talk about the short film we talked about our lives.

Mrs.Jitra had dismissed us and I rushed to go home well you can't blame me for I'm so tired that I just really want to sleep even without having dinner.

I know its confusing as hell.

And I know this is my shortest Chapter based on words. At least shortest chapter chapter from chapter 1 to chapter 5

And I'm very sorry for making you confuse.😊😊


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