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-Oh P.O.V-

I am eating my breakfast alone while mom is on the kitchen, after a while, he got out from the kitchen and hand me four lunchboxes.

"Isn't this a little too much mom?" I asked,

"No, you only get one the other three give to Sun, In and Copper." Mom replied,

"Ohh, Okay mom." A said,

"Now off you go, you'll be late," Mom said.

I got up quickly and grabbed the four lunchboxes and my bag and bid my mom goodbye and go to school.

When I arrived at school I quickly run to my room and seated at my chair, yes the chair that is beside of the chair of my Bully, In was already seated at his seat and I decided to hand one of the lunchboxes.

"What are you doing?" In asked glaring at me,

"My mom wants me to give this to you" I answered and hand him the lunchbox that he accepts willingly,

"Say thank you to your mom for me" He ordered,

"Mmmmm," I said with a nod.

After a while Mrs Jitra and Mr Decha got in the room and explain some things like each one of us is necessary to join a club and the students that will not join a club will have points deducted to their class reports.

Classes had finished after ten hours at least I felt like it was ten hours.

Its Breaktime when I go to the back of the school or should I say my spot when I arrived at the back of the school Sun and Nam are already there, already waiting for me.

"Sun!" I shouted,

"Oh," Sun replied,

"Ahem!! You got forget my another friend right here" Nam joked,

"Of course I will not my other friend, Nam" I joked that Sun followed with laughter,

"So how are your visitors yesterday?" Nam askes, "Sun was at my house," I said,

"How about the mall how was it?" I added,

"It was fun," Nam said.

"Sun I almost forgot my mom wants me to give this to you," I said handing Sun the lunchbox,

"How about me?" Nam asked,

"You can share with Sun" I answered,

"But there another one in there," Nam said, pointing at plastic bag where the lunchboxes were put,

"It's for Copper," I said full of disgust,

"Why do you need to give it to Copper?" Nam asked,

"Because my mom said so" I replied,

"Talking about Copper can you guys come with me to hand him this lunchbox I just don't want to face him alone," I asked,

"Sure," Sun and Nam said in unison.

We are finished eating and decided to find Copper, we are now walking to the canteen to see if Copper is in the canteen, We arrived at the canteen and saw Copper right away.

"Copper," I said,

"What do you want mushroom" Copper asked,

"My mom wants me to give this to you" I answered handing him the lunchbox that he accepts without hesitation,

"Say thank you to your mom for me," Copper said,

"I should leave now," I said.

I tried to walk away but Copper stops me from walking by holding my wrist.

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