[1] New Friends?

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-Oh P.O.V-

'Hi I'm Oh a cute boy well my mom calls me cute so basically I'm cute with a bowl hair cut and wearing some sort of eyeglasses'

'Here I am again, Breaktime seating alone at the back of my school hiding from Copper and his gang or should I say The Big Five'.

'Here I am eating alone when suddenly a cute and tallboy but a little bit shorter than me'

sit across me surprisingly that made me jumped',

"Why so jumpy?" The guy joked,

"Well maybe you should have asked if you can seat with me," I said full with anger,

"Okay I'm sorry," He said that I answered with a nod,

"By the way why are you here all alone don't you have friends," He asked,

'Ahhhh! This boy, isn't it obvious I'm seating here all alone at the back of the school why would he think that I have friends',

"Well, no I don't have friends" I answered,

"Well how about me as your friend," He said,

'Is he crazy why would he like to be friends with me unless he wants to be a target of The Big Five'

"Are you crazy!" I shouted,

"Why is there something wrong being friends with you?" He asked,

"Let me guess you're a transferee," I said, "Yes I am, I'm Sun," He said and offered his hand,

"I'm Oh," I said and accepted his hand and shakes it,

"So friends?" He said,

"Sure Friends" I answered

'Sun and I were talking about our lives when I heard a voice from behind that made me shiver',

"Mushroom got a new friend?" The voice stated and yes it is Copper and his gang,

"Please C-C-Copper leave him alone" I beg looking at them,

"Is our little Mushroom begging for his friend safety?" Copper said and followed with laughter from the other four,

"Please" I beg once again,

"Of course Mushroom we will leave him alone if he will not interfere," Copper said.

'Copper was going to hit me when someone stopped him and when I looked who stopped him it was indeed Sun'

"Sun please just go away" I beg to Sun for I don't want him to be involved,

"I'll leave and what you will let him punch you without you doing anything," He said,

"Just leave," Copper said with a smirk,

"No! he is my friend and I will not let you touch him" Sun shouted,

"Well you leave me no choice," Copper said, trying to punch Sun when he got dragged by In,

"Come on Copper we will be late" In said while Dragging Copper away, "Who are they Oh?" Sun asked when Copper and his gang were out of sight,

"Meet me here later and I'll explain everything, for now, I don't want to be late," I said and walks away.

'Class had been the same, same old boring place, same old boring teachers, and most of all same old boring subjects when class finished I rushed towards the back of the school where I suppose to meet sun',

"Oh over here" Sun shouted waving his hand with a shorter girl beside him, both looking at my direction,

"Who is she?" I asked,

"She is Nam my classmate and my friend" Sun answered,

"Nice to meet you, I'm Oh," I said looking at Nam and offered my hand to shake that he accepted nicely,

"So why are we here," Nam asked,

"I just need some answers from Oh" Sun answered,

"So Oh you know my question?" Sun added while looking at me,

"They are The Big Five the leader is Copper the one who you stopped from punching me, And his Best Friend and his Right hand In, the one that dragged him away" I answered,

"Why are they doing that to you?" Sun asked,

"It's just their past time to bully me" I answered,

"You had fight The Big Five?" Nam cutter, that Sun answered with a Nod,

"Are you crazy, now I know the reason why Copper was looking at you like a devil" Nam scolded Sun,

"What was I suppose to do they were bullying Oh, And Oh is there any reasons why there are bullying you?" Sun asked,

"Yes it started Last year" I answered


'I and Copper were the best of friends, friends that hangout every day, but it all started to change when'
"Oh!" Copper called, "Yes Copper," I said, "Can I ask something," Copper asked, "Sure Copper" I answered, "Can I know who your crush is?" He asked, "You tell yours first," I said, "How about we say it together on three" "one......two.....three....." "Peach" We both said in unison,

After that day he started to bully me every day and befriended In and three others to bully me with him'

-End of Flashback-

"So he started to bully you because you are in love with the same person?" Sun asked that I Nodded to confirm,

"Do you miss your friendship with him?" Nam asked,

"Yes, I missed it so much" I answered with tears rolling down on my cheeks,

"Hey, it's okay don't cry" Sun tried to comfort me, I just hugged him and cried on him

"It's okay Oh," Nam said and joined Sun in hugging me.

It was a couple of minutes until I let go from the hug,

"Thank you guys," I said,

"No need to thank us that's what friend do," Nam said,

"How about let's go home and we can hang out at the mall tomorrow when class is over," Sun said

We walked talking to each other until we got out of school and bid each other goodbye and separate routes from each other.

When I got home my eyes are still swollen from crying I approach the door and try to open it but it was locked so I knocked on the door and shouted,

"Mom opens the door it's me Oh"

"Wait a moment" My mom replied, She then opened the door and noticed my swollen eyes,

"What happened to my cute Oh?" Mom asked,

"Nothing Mom" I answered, "I know you've been crying," My mom said that I answered with a lied that I had a fight with someone,

"We'll go have a rest you are surely tired," Mom said,

"Okay Mom" I replied

I run towards my room and remembered what I, Sun and Nam had talked about that made me cry again until I fall asleep.


I know its a short chapter but I will try to make my upcoming chapters longer than this


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