[6] Movie Making

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-Oh P.O.V-

Here I am Saturday morning in front of the school wasting my weekend on a stupid Short film, right now I'm waiting for the others to come.

It's been at least an hour before everyone gets here.

"Now that everyone is already here maybe we can start the shooting, " Copper said.

"Can you give me five minutes I just need rest" I pleased.

"And why do you need rest it's not like you have been here for at least one hour waiting for us," In said.

"For your information, I was waiting for guys at least an hour before you got here," I answered.

"Come on guys let's just give him five," Copper said while playing with my hair.

You know I'm very happy we do this prank I am able to have five minutes of rest because our group leader is my fake boyfriend I hope this last.

-Five Minutes Later-

"Come on Oh it's been five minutes already and we need still need to shoot," Sun said while pulling me to stand up.

"Ok ok I'm up," I said and standing up.

"Oh, Copper can I talk to you guys for a moment in private?" Nam asked.

"Sure I guess," Copper and I said in unison and followed Nam at least two meters away from the others.

"So what do you want to talk about Nam?" I asked.

"I know that you both are faking it," Nam said with a face that I can't distinguish

Copper and I stare at each other for a moment

"Faking what?" Copper asked

"Being Boyfriends" Nam responded

"How do you know?" I questioned Nam

"Well, you two are known as the Pranking duo since eight grade and plus both of you don't give signs that you really love each other as boyfriends and do you think that I would fall for your prank?" Nam said and crossing her arms.

"Ok you got us but I didn't think you will notice it and yes we thought that you will for it," I said.

"Do you think I'm dumb to fall for your prank I'm not like those three" Nam said and looking at In, Sun and Peach.

Well that last sentence got me laughing and the others that a cause to reserve a stare from the other

"And by the way, you need to stop this prank," Nam said.

"Ok we will reveal it during lunch," Copper said.

Well, I guess my wish that this will last will not be granted I guess I need to use the remaining two hours before lunch so I have time to play with them for a bit.

We walked back to the others and a bunch of questions is the first thing we received from them.

"What did you talk about?"
"Why do need to go far from us?"
"Do three have a secret that we don't know?"
"Who did you talk about?"
"Did you talk about us?"

"Hey hey slow down, the only I can give is that we talked about something you three will know soon," Nam said looking at me and Copper.

"Now let's go and shoot we already waste a lot of time," Copper said.

We had been shooting for an hour when we decided to stop.

"Let's go to the mall and have lunch My treat," Copper said.

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