Chapter 24. Walking side by side

Start from the beginning

Unbeknownst to Celia, she had a growing fan club and the maids from the palace, were avid members.

After assuring the maid that she indeed was well enough to eat in the dining room, she was led through the hallways, until she reached a double door. The dining room was closer to the guest room than she had previously thought, as they only made a couple of turns before reaching it. She studied about the castle at school in the past as it had a 500 years old history, and knew it was immense so she expected the walk would take a longer period of time.

"We are here Miss Celia!" The maid informed her smiling.

Celia had tried to make the maid call her by her first name, but she only succeeded in making her say her first name preceded by "miss'.

"His highness expressly chose your room to be closer to his personal quarters and thus closer to the dining room, so you will not have to walk a lot." She continued saying cheerful.

Celia nodded to show she was listening. Her face was as expressionless as always, but her heart unwillingly skipped a beat.

She shyly walked in the room and took a seat on the chair the maid had indicated. It looked like she was the first one there and, glancing at the table, unfortunately 2 tableware sets were arranged.

She could not even sigh, as the maid stood a little further in the rear waiting.

She did not start eating, it would not have been polite to do so without the host, and just placed her hands on her lap and patiently waited.

Soon the double door opened and in came Salas. He was not dressed in a black suit like all the time she saw him before, including yesterday, but in comfortable home clothes which consisted of a nude v neck sweater, black pants and black casual shoes.

Just as he entered the dining room, she immediately noticed him as her seat was facing the entrance so she quickly rose on her feet to bow. But before she could bend her abdomen, he was already by her side stopping her.

"Please there is no need for formalities. Your body is still not well. Take a seat." Salas quickly said with the same indulgent tone as before, and also took his seat at the table.

"You can leave us. We will call if we need you." He ordered the maid that stood behind Celia and also looked towards his assistant, the same one who had showed him the video of the melee fight.

The maid nodded in understanding and immediately exited, but she still stole a glance towards the table in passing. The two people looked more like a couple having matching home clothes. She was eager to inform the other girls and took off towards the kitchen.

His assistant, exchanging a glance with Salas, knew that his highness was referring to him as well, so he quickly followed the maid out the door, leaving the both of them completely alone.

"How are you feeling Celia? Did you manage to get some sleep last night?" Salas asked calmly, as he took a sip of his coffee.

"I am feeling much better. The room was cozy and warm. Thank you for your care your highness." She replied with a poker face, but still with a tinge of redness on her cheeks, almost unnoticeable. She was so nervous that she did not notice he had dropped all formalities and called her by her given name.

"I am glad. Please let I or the maids know if you have any discomforts." He expressed normally in a polite tone, but inside his mind he was glad that she was feeling comfortable inside the palace, in this way he could make her stay longer. And even more importantly, he was pleased she had not shown any irritation because he had called her with her first name.

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