"Madison!" she yelled.

"We need to talk?" Madison stepped into the foyer. "Come up to my room"

She came up the stairs and we went inside my room. "What's wrong? Where's Gabbi?"

"I went to my office and I had a little conversation with the Italian woman and also gab is still at school"

"What did she say?"

"That she has information about where you are and she fully plans on setting a hit on your pretty little head"

"Why is she telling you this?"

"She has a thing for me" she shrugged.


"Yup but you need to put this to an end before someone gets killed"

"I will, soon" I leaned down and kissed her forehead.

"I have to get back for a meeting"

"stay here then we can get to know each other again"

"I have work unlike you"

"Hey, I work"

"Barely from what I see"

"You know I work but Bryce has everything handled since I wanted to spend the weekend with my daughter"


"Yeah, Sofia's boyfriend"

"Oh cool"

"So are you going to stay?"

"No I have to get back to work but ill see you tonight"


"You can go get Gabbi at 1, okay?"

"Okay" I leaned down and kissed her cheek before she left.

I sighed as I laid down and closed my eyes.


"Nate get the fuck up!" Sofia smacked me awake.

"What the hell is your problem?"

"You have a kid remember and you need to get her from school, dumb bitch" she muttered the last part. I threw her with a pillow which made her hair a complete mess.

"Run" she growled.

"Calm down, Derek" I chuckled as I went to my closet and threw on a pair of grey joggers with a white shirt and a pair of Jordan's.

"Ugh men" she rolled her eyes as I came out.

"Choke" I gave her the finger before walking out. I stole another biscuit , got into my truck and drove to gabs school. She was standing with a group of kids along with her rude ass teacher when I drove up to them.

"Gabbi, get in" I rolled down the window.

"Is this your dad?" a little boy asked.

"Yup, I told you he's cool" that sentence actually warmed my heart. Fuck I love my daughter.

"Be on time for once" the woman opened her diarrhea ass mouth.

"Gabi, go nuts" I let her connect to the aux and put it on full blast before I got out and headed to her teacher.

"You seem tense" I stepped so close to her that I could smell her coffee breath. Nasty bitch

"If you threaten me again I will make her life a living hell"

"Fuck, if we weren't surrounded by children I would totally blow your brains out"

"Living hell"

I grabbed her hand and placed it by my waistband making her feel the gun tucked in my waistband.

"Touch or even look at my daughter the wrong way and I erase you from this earth, are we clear?"

"Crystal" she glared at me.

"Quick tip, brush your fucking teeth"

"Language" a nearby woman scolded me.

"Suck my dick" I got into my car and drove off as my daughter listened to the soundtrack of some Disney movie. Doesn't make me feel as badass but whatever my daughter wants.

"You wanna check on mommy?"

"Sure" she smiled brightly.

We drove to madison's work to see there were no cars expect hers. What the fuck?"

We got out of the car, went to madison's office and saw her sitting on the floor with pages everywhere. "Mommy?"

"Nate, why did you bring her?"

"We just wanted to check on you, what happened?"

"Gabi, go get you something by the vending machine?" I handed her a bunch of money.

"I need more"

"Excuse me?"

"Daddy heard me" where is the attitude coming from?

"Fine" I handed her a hundred and she happily skipped out of the office.

I sat down on the floor and pulled Maddie into my lap. "What happened?"

"I'm just struggling with this case"

"What's it about?"

"The boy allegedly raped his sister"

"What the fuck Madison"

"Dad said I couldn't back out and its eating at me cause I know this isn't just accusations"

"How do you know that"

"I saw that little girl, she was broken and I just keep picturing her as Gabbi"

"You need a break, get your stuff and then you can stay the weekend at my house"


"I don't need the mother of my kid stressing like this , everyone went home already so get your cute ass in my car so I can spoil you"

She glared at me before she crawled out of my lap and packing up all her notes. I stood up and helped her pack all her stuff up. Gabbi came in with a bunch of candy and threw it all on madison's desk.

"Mommy, I brought you candy so you can feel better"

"Thank you baby" she kissed her forehead.

"Right, let's go"

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