Chapter 6

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Once I got back to my dorm room I just went straight to bed not even bothering to try and tell someone as I know that they wouldn't believe me if I told them I was gonna tell Issy but she was already asleep I mean it is 12:30 I wouldn't expect her to stay up I guess I'll just have to wait for tell her tomorrow. I awoke to someone skating me violently I roll over and tell them to go away while pulling the duvet up over my head "N/N you need to get up we have potions first and professor snake won't be happy if we're late" Issy more a less screams down my ear "ugh Issy you just go I'll be down I won't be late I promise" I say slightly annoyed, "fine but you are going to have to eat lunch if your missing breakfast" she says as she walks to the door "ye I will" I mumble as I slowly drift back of to sleep.

Y/Ns nightmare
I was in a dark room and it was cold and damp there was only the sound of what sounded like water dripping every 5 seconds, I tried to get up but I was chained to what seemed like a pipe in a basement, it wasn't my house as I don't even have a basement and my parents wouldn't go this far ( I mean they have starved me before for a week but they wouldn't chain me up) just then some light started seeping through what looked like a doorway and I heard footsteps as I looked up I noticed it was Lucius malfoy, oh great I must be in the malfoy manner "what do you want Lucius" I slay his name "now now no need to be like that is there dear after all the dark lord won't want you all bruised and broken" he said with a sense of pride and sarcasm in his voice "what do you mean d dark lord" I asked but just as he was about to answer I was awoken again by Issy storming in the room and shaking me again.

i had just finished breakfast and realised it was nearly time to go to potions I had forgotten my books in my room I did this on purpose to see if Y/N was up yet as I walk in I see her tossing and turning I walk over and shake her awake again I thought it must just be another nightmare absolutely what her parents used to do to her when she was 5 it is truly heartbreaking and made me want to kill her parents luckily she lives with me and my parents now and hers are in Azkaban, she wakes up and looks at me "your still not out of bed we have 10 minutes to get to the dungeons" I say slightly annoyed at her "you go ahead I'm just gonna get dressed I'll be down there in 5" she says slightly shaken "right fine but you better had be" I say as I walk out again.

I had just finished getting ready when I realise that I'm 12 minutes late great snape is going to kill me im gonna have to rush, so I bolt out of the common room with my potion books and leg it to snapes classroom I get there out of breath so i stop at the door to catch my breath as I walk on everyone's head turns to look at me including snapes he looks up form the desk and gets up and starts walking over to me he stops a couple feet in front of me and says "Miss Y/N care to explain why you are late again" he says in his monotone bored voice that every hates but I secretly love it "I'm sorry sir it won't happen again I slept in" I says still out of breath slightly "it better not Miss Y/N 5 points from Y/H and detention tonight at 7:00 don't be late" he says as he sits back down "stupid dungeon bat good for nothing now it all" I mumble under my breath not expecting him to hear it though everyone did and they are all looking at me " 10 points from Y/H miss Y/N and don't make me give you more detention NOW SIT DOWN BE QUIET AND GET ON WITH THE TASK" he yells getting angry, I do as he says as I don't want to make him more angry and I don't want him in a mood tonight when I have detention with him.

A/N: hey guys sorry I haven't updated in a while i just had loads of homework and school work to do and I just overall didn't have time to update but I hope you like this chapter I will try and update more when I can, have a nice day.

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