Chapter 20

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A/N: I am finally updating this book as I have come up with a couple ideas for it thanks to the help of some of you guys however them ideas will be in later chapters so I will mention you in them as you gave me the ideas, however onto the chapter.

I don't look at him I just look at the floor till he puts his finger under my chin and lifts my head so my eyes meet his he looks hurt and sorrowful, he speaks and says "Y/N I didn't mean to hurt you I didn't have control I don't even like her I love you" I look at him with tears in my eyes and say "you l-love me" he nods and says "of course I love you who wouldn't" I just chuckle and then he says "will you forgive me" I nod and say "of course I will I know it wasn't your fault" he nods and picks me up bridle style and carry's me to his room he lays me down on his bed and gets me one of his shirts, I change into it and get under his covers he joins me and cuddles with me while I fall asleep.

Present time
I had woken up this morning in Severus's room, I did what I'd normally do in the morning getting changed etc, I'm currently in the great hall with Matt and Issy and we're going over what we're going to do to day as it's a Saturday and Dumbledore is allowing us all to go to hogsmeade the  thing is though we have to have parent signatures to be able to go so that the teachers can keep an eye on who goes and who doesn't but seeming as professor McGonagall and Dumbledore like me they signed the slip for me, it's safe to say that I get to go and don't need to worry about the signature being signed unlike Harry Potter, your probably wondering what is going on well like all the time Harry isn't being allowed to go as his 'guardians' well you wouldn't really call them that, they didn't sign the slip so he ain't allowed to go, but lucky for him I managed to sneak his slip in with mine meaning that he know has a signature on it as well allowing him to be able to go.

We finally arrive at hogsmeade and the first place that me, Matt and Issy want to go is to the book store, your probably wondering why but we all have this challenge that we do all the time and it's basically where we buy the same book every time we go somewhere and we all start reading it at the same time (in our own time obviously when we aren't busy so we plan ahead which is what we were doing this morning) and whoever finishes first gets sweets or whatever they want bought for them of the other two, however Matt never seems to win and me and Issy both think that's because he doesn't have a long enough attention span which is understandable so we buy him sweets anyway, however it's always between me and Issy and we normally end up falling out for a few days because of it, but whatever, we're normally friends again before the weeks over.

The last challenge we did was reading the first book of twilight, ye it's about a vampire that has a blood singer called Bella etc etc, we've watched the films together and what we all don't understand is that how can a werewolf (well shifter) and a vampire be so interested in a basic plain bitch, we don't understand there's nothing special about her, so know that my rants over we have decided in buying twilight new moon and reading that, we're going to do this till we finish the whole series.

Once we're finished buying our books we go to get butterbeers at three broomsticks, we normally just sit around for about half an hour in here before we go and get some sweets form honeydukes and of course we will have to get loads of chocolate frogs because me and Issy have to keep some of them in us at all times as Matt tends to have a craving for them.

Time skip back to hogwarts

We arrived back at hogwarts and me and Issy got straight to our dorms, we but the book that we bought on our night stand as we said that we would start reading them tonight, when we got back it was 4:30pm meaning that dinner was in an hour and by the time that me and Issy had stopped messing about with what we had bought it was time for us to go downstairs for dinner (tea), we go straight over to the Gryffindor table and sit next to Matt, but to our surprise we have Neville Longbottom,  Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Fred and George Weasley and Ginny Weasley all sat either infront or next to us know your probably wondering why this is a surprise well it's a surprise because there normally at the other end of the table but whatever, me and Issy sit down on either side of Matt and I have Fred and George next to me, Neville in front of me and Issy has Hermione, ginny sat next to her and Ron ad Harry in front of her, we get the food we want and start eating while also having a conversation with those around us about hogsmeade and what we bought, once we're finished we all head back to out rooms and me and Issy starts reading twilight new moon.

I get to page 65 and see that Issy has already fell asleep with the book on her face so I quietly go over to her and take the book of her face and see she's on page 30  I chuckle quietly at how she fell asleep with it on her face, I put her book mark on the page she was on asleep well as putting it on her nightstand and pulling the cover over her, I make my way over to my bed crawl in and drift of to sleep.

A/N: so I'm gonna try and get a couple chapters out so most likely while your reading this I'm writing another chapter, it would a,so be much easier if my laptop would update quicker I mean why do they have to update so slow it's been on 9% this whole time of me writing this in my iPad, I'm pretty sure that my phone could update quicker than this but whatever hope you'll enjoyed this chapter and I'm gonna go start working on the other chapters, enjoy.

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