I quickly answered in order to keep the situation from getting worse ... "We are Mae..."

"Good, now listen..." she started briefing... Bang on, just what I was expecting. Well... I just thought there is no harm for New to finish his touching up while listening and It's helping no one if Mae Yui finds out how late New was. 

As soon as we walked to the shoot location I found the photographer to apologise... wouldn't want him to be on my bad side, especially if he is going to take my photos well... "P' ,Sorry for putting you in that position today, I really had an emergency to take care of and ..." he cut me off.... "And you didn't want to look unprofessional, I get you Tay, You guys, who are always before the camera have so much to loose than the one's like us, behind the camera guys, once your reputation is ruined it would bring a disaster, I totally understand, it was nothing...I am happy I could help" He smiled and I smiled back relaxing.

"Now, do me good and look dashing in these photos will you...?" He said chuckling and arranging his tripod.

I rubbed my neck as pressure built on me... "I will try my best P'..."

And with that I walked to my position... New moved closer to me and whispered too low for me to even catch the complete sentence... "He.. was.. not...even offended...was he?"

"No, he was happy to help..." I answered as i changed my position, keeping smile on all the time.

"You are the one who fools everyone with that cute face, and i am the one who gets accused of it... Hmmm..the irony.." He sighed and moved even closer.

"Why are you moving closer. social distancing...remember..." I muttered so no one can catch our words.

"It's a promotional photoshoot Tae and I broke up with the social distancing chief... remember?" He answered smiling and it helped me relax. The rest of the shoot went smoothly and we were soon tired by the end of it. However we didn't have any time to relax as we had to rush to the mall for the lazada 11.11 event. I ate lunch early even before New came in as I was getting bored and hungry, so we didn't even break for lunch and  drove to the mall. 

The event was just basically three rounds of dumb charades and it was too much fun to play with strangers. I was completely involved in the competition to win over New and Win that I couldn't even count how many times I have embraced myself, but ofcourse all that matters is I didn't loose. However, all the running made me hungry and more tired. 

We still had the schedule for shooting TayNew meal date Special. It's good that we are going to all the familiar places and have memories to ravish. Normally, the episode starts shooting in New's car but since today he was too tired to drive we decided to start in the tempo. We were all changed, touched up and ready to role. That is when New revealed that he hadn't had anything since morning, it made me feel really guilty, I was soo consumed in everything that I forgot, he didn't have his lunch... ahhh... why does the guy has to be soo choosy about food, he should have just had some take away, he never stops worrying me. All I could do is sigh and continue the shoot, we were going to eat a lot anyway.

We reached our first destination for the night, the air felt a bit awkward, it has been sometime since we did this and it was not helping that we had to promote the sponsors in our every sentence.  Thankfully New started speaking and I just had to go with the flow. 

I have to confess that I had to control my laugh everytime New had to promote the chilli paste, I mean, you know who we are talking about right. The mighty New, the one who probably even doesn't even accept that chilli paste is edible. Which is why I had to be considerate of him, I ate as much as I could, so he wouldn't have to eat and act like he likes it. He did try though, may be because he was hungry or may be because he is taking this whole Meal date come back thing seriously but I saw him eat more spicy dishes than in the entire eight years I have known him eat. There was no rice or noodles, only curry and stir fries but we couldn't help it as we are working, not chilling out with friends to order whatever we want or have a proper meal. That said, the shoot became lighter and easier with every passing second, bickering and bantering comes naturally to New and me , it helped ease my mind, so I think I can say we didn't do that bad a job. 

We then proceeded to our second destination for the night. Even the air there felt familiar, guess no matter how much we grow, our roots will always have a soft corner in our heart, and I am talking about our college here, we saw everything in that four years and the place is always going to feel like ours. The restaurant itself is one of my favorite and my life saver for the day as I finally would be able to have some proper meals.  It wasn't difficult to shoot once we were in there, it felt like home and I couldn't act anymore but be natural me. New also seemed much more relaxed and enjoyed the food. 

My favorite part though was talking to the owner, thanks to our previous visits we could get a secluded table to shoot even when the restaurant was completely crowded. The owner himself is really nice and intriguing. Though i said i go there to watch him calculate the bill with nothing but flick of his finger, the actual reason is to watch New's expression whenever he does that. He goes like I am supposed to be a business man too, does that mean i have to do that ? , the adorable expression when he asks that is worth capturing. Haan.. damn... I was really happy that night. 

With a happy and full tummy we moved to our final destination, a dessert place. It's another usual of us and New just again ordered our usual dishes. I just don't get how he never gets bored of having the same thing, I am not complaining though, his satisfying expressions whenever he savors that mango dessert and the pride that I see on him when ever I say that I like that mud chocolate dessert never gets old. So by the end of shooting it was not shooting, just another hangout only we had our team with us this time. 

As much as I wanted to just be there, spend time and go nostalgic we had to get back as I had an early schedule again tomorrow. I was looking forward to a good night's sleep when we got back to the hotel. We were informed that New and I were sharing a room, which was no surprise, I was just happy that atleast, I didn't have to adjust to a new roommate and fell asleep as soon as I hit the soft, clean bed. I have no idea what New was trying to tell me or when he went to bed. 

But one full night of peaceful night is a dream for me, I woke up at around 4 AM with a stomach ache. I looked around and found New peacefully sleeping on the other side of the bed, he surely does need it. Hence i just sneaked out of the bed and ran to the bathroom. I spent almost the whole morning in there as i had a running stomach.

"Tay... Tae... what is wrong, is everything okay... you still alive... " I heard New's voice outside the washroom almost an hour after it became bright out there. 

"I ... I just have an upset stomach... How about you... are you feeling fine?" I asked from inside with no intention of opening the door.

"Yes, yes, i am not feeling anything weird as such.... Still... why are you asking such weird question..." He shouted from outside.

"Because i think something we had lastnight was surely not helping..." I clenched my stomach answering him..

"oo oo... you sound really worned, let me get you some medicine..." I heard him reply and shuffle off.

And I prayed to feel better soon since i have work to get too asap.

A/N: Huff... fellows... It's been long but i have been really tied up with work... now that i am going to be a bit more relaxed... I will try to update more often..... Hope you are still enjoying this....🤭🤭🤭

P.S: Happy Diwali and welcome back TayNew.... 🥳💙💞

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