The come back

407 21 13

30th Oct 2020 12:02 pm


I was startled by someone barging into the make up room.
"Khun New is here...." the guy announced panting.

"Finally..." P'Jee took a deep breath as she finished touching up my make up for the 6th time.

I moved from the seat before the mirror making way for New while he just walked in and took the seat nonchalantly and multiple people started working on him.

"Nice of you to show up..." i snickered.
He rolled his eyes at me... "In case you havent noticed i had too much sleep to catch up..."

I sighed... "I know Hin, which is why i told you that its okay if you get late and i will cover for you..., but i didnt mean THREE DAMN HOURS..."

"Haann? Then what did you mean? But no one seems to be worried or off... " he asked skeptically.

"That's because Tay did cover for you..."  P'Jee answered slapping the powder on to New's face making him close his eyes.

I smiled. But apparently his mouth is still not closed and he now sounded worried... "How did you do that...?"

"You know I have my ways..." I shrugged.

He suddenly leaned forward to look at me... "I know Tae and that is exactly why i am asking you... this is serious, i am 3 hours late and I didnt even get a call.. not even my manager called me, I would have woken up much earlier if someone has called, my alarm didn't go off, I thought it was okay since no one tried contacting me... but if its because of you... I need to know what you did..."

I sighed... "Let's just say the photographer incharge for the shoot owed me one...."

"I still don't get how do it, how come everyone owes you one... " P'Jee commented now spreading lotion on New's neck, I shuddered even from the sight, it made me imagine someone touching my neck.

"Oyy... Look away... you are really a handful sometimes...." New ordered seeing  my reaction and turned to P'Jee... "P' , You know exactly how he does that, You owe him one too, don't you?"

She made an upset face... "I bet even P'Tha owes him a couple... Guess being good also has it's perks..."

New smiled... "Being smart and good P'..." He answered her in an ironic tone and turned back to me again... "But how excatly did you use that favour?, Tae..."

"I just asked to postpone the shoot... it's a good thing we have time before we have to get to the mall for the lazada event..." I explained.

"He didn't just ask to postpone the event, he even convinced the photographer to take the full responsibility, and that poor guy just had a ear full from P'Yui...." P'Jee explained with a disapproving look but then her voice softened along with her movements on New's face... "But you are worth it all babe... look at you..." saying that she moved away letting New check himself out in the mirror. He is shining as usual, and his relaxed face and genuine smile has added a hundred more layers to his ravishing look, I have to up my game if I am going to be in one screen with this guy and still get noticed. 

New waied to her thanking and she moved in again to finish off.... 

"So P'Jee, I am intrigued now, Can you tell me the story of how Tae lead you to owe him one?" New asked breaking the silence after a couple of minutes,

And I had to intervene... "Hey, Can you guys hurry up, Coz the favor I called in for expired..." I paused to check the watch... "5 minutes ago..."

Just then P'Yui barged in... "Okay people, Are we ready?"

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