Chapter 15

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The five started to travel once again at dawn, almost forgetting paying the villager because of Sapnap and George arguing. You give Bad's jacket back since you already have your cloak on. George ending up riding with you because Dream ride with Bad, leaving Sapnap to lead the way. You are halfway to the rock.

"Are you really that upset with him?" You asked at George.

"They argue all the time [Y/n], " he says as he pouts. He should have ride Sap's on yours.

George rolled his eyes, "not all the time Dream."

"Oh come on, you shouldn't lie about that. The two just simps for me, that's why their fighting, " Dream said as he laughs.

"I'm not a sIMp, " his voiced crack. Dream let out wheeze until a pinecone falls on his head. He winces in pain as he rubs his head. Then one in a million years happened.

You started wheezing, "that's karma." You said as you wheeze.

Bad shook his head, "your humour is broke [Y/n], " he said to you as you wheeze more.

"I'm fucked I know, " you burst out of laughing then the others also started laughing as Bad yelled 'language!' in the background. You started calming down, "it's been a while since a laugh like this."

"It's because of a stupid pinecone, " Dream says to you.

"Consider that as a blessing and a curse Dream, " George says to him with a grin as Dream rolled his eyes.

Then suddenly a figure jumps in front of you, "stop! Please help me!" He exclaimed as he looks at the five at you.

"What's going on?" Dream asks him then a screech was heard from above.

"Wyverns!" George exclaimed.

Sapnap then pulled the person up on his horse as the all of you make your horse ran quickly. "Let me, " George says as he grabs the rein, taking control of the horse.

Sapnap summons his flames, startling the person as he tries not to miss the wyverns because if his flames missed it will cause a forest fire.

"On your left!" You exclaimed at Sapnap as you saw a wyvern flying towards him. He shoots the wyvern away with his flame. The two, George and Dream, look at him in awe, they didn't know he has abilities like this. Dream started shooting them with his crossbow.

"There's a ravine up ahead!" The stranger says. And by the flick of Bad's finger, the horses jump on the ravine as their hooves landed back to the ground.

The wyverns chase after them from behind. You bring out a shut gun(don't ask)from the bag of your horse(you got it from Quackity), as you put it on George's shoulder, "could you handle the sound?" You asked him. He let out a nod as hid hands grip on the horse's rein.

You then started shooting the wyverns with a large bang by the wings, as George occasionally flinch at the sound. You have interacted with a bunch of wyverns back in the cottage, they're friendlier, but you don't know about the wyverns in the forest. They one by one fall down to the ground as they screech in pain.

"I saw a cave on the left!" Bad exclaimed, "we could hide there!" All of you went on the left as all of you enter a small cave. The wyverns are now looking for everyone as they fly around.

"Who are you?" You looked at the stranger as George helped you to get down from your horse.

He brings down his hood revealing his brunette hair and brown eyes, "my names is Karl, I'm that traveller you meet five years ago."

You then remember, five years ago a young man showed up by your doorsteps, saying that he need help and all of his stuff are stolen. You let him in and let him stay for about a week until he earns money so he could go to places again.

"It's nice to meet you again miss [Y/n], you've grown a lot." He says to you with a smile.

"You've grown into a fine man as well, " you said. "What are you doing in the forest?" You said as Sapnap tried to make a bone fire with no sticks.

"I was going to the new nation called Manberg, " Karl rubs the back of his head. "But I got lost and get chased by a bunch of mobs."

"We just came from Manberg, " Dream says, "it would take a day or two to travel there."

"I see, " Karl mumble. "Can I come along?" He asks as he smiles.

You look at Bad and Sapnap who replies you with a shrug and then look at Dream and George who also replied the same thing. You looked back at him again, "sure I guess."

He beamed in joy, "yes! Where is everyone going anyway?" He asked.

"We are going to the large rock that just landed that cause a massive boom, George says as he does the finger thingies. You sat beside Sapnap who is next to Dream and Bad.

"Oh, I heard that rock is guarded by illagers,  " he sat beside you.

George sat beside him, "guarded by illagers? Why?"

"I don't know, " he shrugs. "I've heard it has a lot of mana but none of them received any but they keep trying. Anyway, " he looks at you. "It's been forever, I want to catch up with you."

Your sweatdrop as you and Karl started talking to each other, as the other four watches even but some occasions they join in. Everyone seems to be enjoying his presence as they laugh along with him. Hours passed as it's already night time, everyone goes to their sleeping spot as Sapnap make the fire a little stronger. You tucked in on the corner as Bad put his beside you, one foot away.

"Night guys!" Bad says as he heard a sync night from everyone. Everyone then went to sleep peacefully.

You woke up in a field of grass, you stand up and dusted up yourself.  You look around as you recognize this place but can't put a finger on it. You turn around and a blade is pointed at your neck.

"Who are you?" You looked at him, and realize it's a younger version of your king. Maybe around seventeen, where he's still the crown prince.

"I mean no harm, " you raise your hands as you looked at him. "Your highness, " you said as you look at his old crown.

He looks at you before putting his sword out, "what are you doing here?"  He asked you as he turns around, stepping away from you.

"I, " you suddenly feel yourself fading as you look at your hand that started to get transparent.

He turns around to see you fading, "wait! I don't know your name!" He exclaimed as he tries to reach out to you.

You look at him and smiled warmly, "call me Esmeralda." You then fade away from his sight.

You then woke up, feeling the warmth on your face, you open your eyes to see Bad who tries waking you up gently. "It's time to go, " he said.

You only nod at him and get ready, so the horse arrangement goes like this. Sapnap is with Dream, George with Bad and you with Karl. The six of you started to move as Karl sleep behind you with his head on your shoulders.

You started to think of the dream you have, but it quickly forgets it when George and Sapnap started arguing again. You let out a sigh as the other two try to stop them from fighting.

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