Chapter 13

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The two of you are alone in a room, standing in opposite side of the walls. "You're not really going to tell, aren't you?" Techno asked you as you leaned against the wall.

You try to avoid his gaze, "you'll kill him." You said to him.

Techno scoff, " of course I will."


"Why wouldn't I?" He asked back.

You let out a such, "he's just suspicious of me, that's all." You crossed your arms.

"Suspicious of you? There is nothing to be suspicious of you, " Technoblade says. "You better tell me now or I'll have to force it out on Tommy and Tubbo, " he says.

"Don't involve the kids here Techno-"you stopped then start to correcting yourself. " I mean, your majesty."

Techno looks at you as his ears perk up, "you called me by my name?" He asked you.

"My apologies your majesty, " you said to him. He walks towards you as his shadow loooms over you. "Is something wrong?" You asked him.

"It's cold, " he said randomly.

"Do you want me to set you on fire?" You asked him bluntly making him look at you in disbelief.

"Who the hell raised you?...”


As you walk down the hall, you get splashed by a potion. The smell of it is quite strong so you let out a cough. "It's a regen potion don't worry, " Sapnap says as he walks towards you.

"You're confusing me, " you said as you liked at Sapnap. You then let out a short squeak when he carrying you(piggyback style,don't ask how). "Please out me down, " you said to him.

"Nah, " he said as he start walking somewhere.

"I have no permission from his majesty-" you were cut off by him by groaning.

"Majesty this, majesty that. Shut up, " he said to you. You then smack him on the head, "OW! Stop that, ” he said as he let out another groan. "I'm sorry that I stabbed your thigh, you started fighting so..." He mumbles.

"Quite understandable, " you said as you put your head on his shoulder.

He looked at you, "tired?" He asked. You shook your head, " ah.... I have those... Markings too, by the waist." You head perks up as you looked at him. "I thought having markings are very bad so that's why I attacked you, " he added. "I've studied the letters of it and it said arson, " he mumbles.

"Pfft, " you tried not to laugh. "That's a strange word, " you said to him. "Do you know that Bad also have one? His says Hope, " you told him.

"Bad also had one?" He asked surprise. "We can be mark buddies!" He exclaimed.

"Keep your voice down..." You said to him.

"Ah, right, " he sweatdrop. "Yours says faith right? Repeatedly?" He asked you.

"Yeah, but I also have one on the neck." You said to him as you rest your head on his shoulder again.

He looks at you with interest, "what that it say?" He asked you.

"..." You only stay quiet as he waits. Then he looks at you with as he just nod in understanding that you don't want to share it. He then put you down once his muscles get tired.

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