Chapter Six

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And the last chapter dedication goes to MissNMLL, the best commentator on Loving a Loner! Thanks for your awesomely amazing support. x)

Chapter Six - Laura's POV

3 Hours Before "The Confession"

I paced my room in agitation. Does what I did with Jason make me a cheater? I mean, I hadn't kissed him or anything, but it's not like I hadn't wanted to. And oh, did I want to. Just thinking about it made my heartbeat faster: his soft lips trailing across my skin, his cypress smell enveloping my thoughts, his elegant hands touching my body...

"Arrgh!" I yelled, flopping onto my bed. This was driving me crazy with guilt. I'd been thinking that Jordan was being a bad boyfriend, when it was me who was acting like a cheating slut.

But I didn't respond, I thought. That comforted me slightly; I didn't kiss Jason back, I pushed him away. Raising a hand, I fingered the hickey on my neck. Looks like I didn't push him away fast enough.

Groaning, I turned and picked up my phone, staring at the background image on the screen. It was a picture of all of us the day after Julie and Evan got together by the pool. Jules and her poet were wrapped around each other, as usual; Shane was looking off into the distance, still a bit hungover; Jordan had his arm around my waist, wearing his trademark grin; and Jason was in the pool (no surprise there), winking at the camera to Helen, who was taking the picture.

I sighed wistfully, fervently wishing that things were as easy as they were back then. When Jordan was still madly in love with me, when Jason had a girl and didn't flirt with me, when I was happy and confident. But people change with time, and this picture no longer represented us: it was just a memory that felt more and more like a dream. And I couldn't change that.

Standing up abruptly, I said out loud, "That's not true." I could do something to change this. It was time to start taking control of my relationships again - and the first one would be with my boyfriend, Jordan. I'd known for a long time that we needed to talk about what was happening between us. Neither of us could continue on like this for long, and what happened with Jason proved that.

Obviously, being neglected and tossed aside by Jordan was leaving my body craving for someone to show me affection, and so that's why Jay's caresses felt so nice. And even though my boyfriend may not be my favorite person right now, I still loved him and wanted to be with him. So it was high time I found out once and for all if he wished the same.

Picking up my wallet, I marched downstairs. I knew that appearances didn't matter, but it wouldn't hurt to look my best when asking how Jordan if he still desired me. I left my house, climbing into my car and steering it towards the mall. My mission was one every girl would have at one point or another:

It's time to go shopping.


1 Hour Before "The Confession"

I was so ready for this.

Leaning back, I screwed on the cap to my mascara and admired myself in the vanity mirror. It taken me less time than I'd thought to find the perfect knock-your-socks-off dress: an actual Philosophy Di Alberta Ferretti dress (A/N: photo up above). It was a green fitted, with long sleeves and a nude/black tri-colour block design. Sure, it had cost me more than $500, but the way it looked on me proved that it was worth every single dime. And maybe every penny, too.

Shaking back my hair, I took a matching green headband and slid it on. My make-up was more subtle than I usually had it, giving slight emphasize to my eyes and lips. The natural style worked for what I wanted - a look that made me sexy and still looking like myself.

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