Chapter Two

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Dedicated to Michelle, an awesome girl to chat with and a great person in general! :DD

Chapter Two - Evan's POV

It was around 3 in the afternoon, and at the moment, there were exactly three things I was positively sure about:

1.) Jules looked absolutely STUNNING (more so than the usual amazing).

2.) Driving was my main concern right now (since her scent was distracting me...did it have a slightly fruity smell?)

3.) I absolutely, positively hated Shane Mason

I seethed with desire (for Jules) and hatred (for Shane) as we drove into the main part of town. Jules kept glancing over at me, and I reached down to grab her slim hand in mine. Since we were at a red light, I took a moment to examine her: the purple dress hugged her curves, accenting her medium-sized cleavage and contrasting nicely with her pale skin. Stroking one finger up her arm, I watched in amusement as the porcelain color flushed a rosy pink.

"I'm sorry for Jerkpid," she whispered to me, blue eyes welling with sincerity.

I gave her a genuine smile and leaned over, planning to kiss her. "I'm fine as long as I have you..."

Suddenly, the asshole in the back leaned forward and yelled, "GREEN LIGHT!" Startled, I jumped back and pressed the pedal. My black mustang took off, but I managed to calm down enough to reign the speed back to the limit.

Jules was clutching her seat like she was about to die in some horrible accident. Shane - or asshole, as he should be referred to - was laughing maniacally. I turned around to glare at him. "Thanks for that, asshole."

"Eyes on the road!" Jules screamed, and I quickly wrenched myself around, expecting there to be some massive truck I was about to collide with. But the road was still open in front of me, so I looked at my girlfriend like she was crazy. Heaving a dramatic sigh, she sternly told me, "Don't call Shane an asshole - Jerkpid will do fine. And you have become a crazy driver - were you really texting while speeding before?"

The aforementioned Jerkpid snorted, but I - barely - managed to ignore him. "Course not. It was a red light."

Jules giggled, and I discretely adjusted my rear-view mirror so I could peep on her without her knowing. "I hope the Hulk didn't make an appearance."

I began to laugh as well, recalling that day when I'd blackmailed Jules into telling me whether or not the main character in her story would ever tell the boy that she liked him. I'd stopped at a red light and remained there long after it had turned green, and she'd promised to tell me if I would drive, since a big guy (the Hulk) had gotten out of his car and was walking towards us. But that moment, while funny, wasn't the real reason I remembered that day so well.

"What are you guys talking about?" whined my very, very unwanted passenger. Before I could give him a snide reply, Jules answered.

"Oh," she began nonchalantly, twirling one brown lock between her fingers. "Just the day when I first kissed Evan."

I heard the almost nonexistent sound of Shane grinding his teeth, and I quickly leaned over to give my girlfriend a congratulatory peck on the cheek. Maybe this day wouldn't be so bad after all.


I had been right so far. The day was actually going pretty well, all things considered. Jerkpid kept his distance while I led Jules on a romantic stroll through Dawson's park, the place where we'd first met, face-to-face. He was only a bit of a nuisance during the small picnic by the lake, asking for some of the donuts I'd brought (Jules and I both said no since we have a huge obsession with them, though Ruffles is bigger on her priority list). And at River town's festival, he went over to the kissing booth while I won Jules a big panda bear (who she decided to name Pedro Jr. - don't ask me why). All he asked for in return was to go to Amanda's party. Since my plans for the rest of the day were a bit too...intimate for Shane to be involved in, I grudgingly relented.

Now, I stepped through a wide foyer into the house, which seemed to vibrate due to the music blasting out of the speakers in the surround sound system. Jules stayed tight by my side, glaring at any girls who so much as looked my way. I chuckled to myself, leading her onto the dance floor.

She stopped in her tracks when she realized the direction we were heading in. "Evan, you know I can't dance."

I noticed Shane leaning against the wall, sipping a beer and watching us. So I bent down and gave Jules a real kiss, the first I'd managed to sneak in all day. She pressed up against me, making my heart beat faster as I forgot the reason I'd kissed her in the first place. Molding my lips to hers, I nudged us into the mass of writhing bodies and finally ended the kiss.

Jules looked at me, eyes dazed. Blinking, she finally noticed we were in the crowd of dancers. Punching my chest, she scowled at me. "Evan, you are the worst!"

I pulled her back to me, feeling her body press tightly against my own. Smirking down at her, I slowly started spinning. "You have to admit, dancing has its advantages."

She shivered, making me hug her tighter as we slowly twirled around. Jules wasn't lying; she was a terrible dancer. But I didn't care about the abuse my toes were going through as she stared up at me, linking her hands around my neck. "Hmm, I guess you're right this time."

I breathed in her scent as she nestled her head onto my chest. "Your perfume...what is it?"

"Peach delight," her sweet voice whispered, making my body heat up about ten degrees. "It also has a hint of another fruit..."

Smiling, I asked her, "And what might that be?"

Jules looked at me, grabbing my hair to pull our faces closer as she told me, "Strawberries."

Unable to resist any longer, I kissed her fiercely, lifting her up so that she could wrap her legs around my waist. Jules moaned into my mouth, and the heat that always simmered between us burst forth as my tongue stoked hers. Everything about my Julie was so sweet: her voice, her looks, her taste. She enclosed me in her kindness, making the pain of long ago scars fade; she made me forget the ever-present depression of losing my parents - my mom - with her warm, slightly shy smile.

"Oh, my sweet sweet Jules," I whispered, burying my face against her neck as I struggled to regain control. "I will always love you - only you."

"Me too." Pulling back slightly, she stared into my eyes until I felt as if I was flying in a clear blue sky. "Only you, Evan. Forever." With a wide grin, she kissed my tattoo, grinding up against me. I felt myself getting hard and managed to pull away.

"Bad idea, Jules," I warned, making her shiver in desire. Smirking slightly, I began tugging her towards the door. "There's too many witnesses here."

She hesitated in following my footsteps. "What about Shane?"

I swept her into my arms, making her gasp. Jules clutched me tightly as I carried her bridal style across the threshold into the cool evening air. Leaning down, I gently nipped her ear and said softly, "I don't think he'll want to be there for the things I plan to do to you."

"Don't you mean 'things I plan to do for you'?" Jules asked as I set her down beside my car.

I smiled rakishly, pinning her against the door. "Both ways work."

Her giggles made my heart pound a bit faster. "How'd I manage to get such a pervish poet for a boyfriend?"

Leaning closer, I pressed my forehead against hers. "The same way I managed to get such a cute strawberry for a girlfriend." And I kissed her once more before she could say anything else. Because in the end, it didn't matter how we'd managed to get each other.

All that mattered is that we did.


Short, but sweet! I think the ending was especially nice - but then again, I am a little biased. ;) So, hope you all enjoyed chapter two of Loving A Loner - in the next one, we'll get to see what happens to Shane now that he's been ditched at a party (again). I wonder who will be there? Well, I'm not the one wondering, it's you guys...unless you read the summary - then, I guess you can make an educated guess, lol. xD

But enough talking, gotta write, so ¡hasta la vista, mis lectores!

- Nikkisha16

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