Chapter Five.

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Luz told Lillth and Eda what had happened when they came back later in the evening. 

The sisters looked shocked.

"Luz, if those coven members come back, I need you to hide until Lillth or I come back for you."

"Why Eda? What's happening?"

"Nothing to get your tongue in a twist over.  Head on to bed."

Luz hugged Eda goodnight and went to her room as Lillth shook her head in despair.

Amity approached Luz by her locker. "Did you hear about the field trip today?"

"No. Was I supposed to get a permission slip signed?"

"I don't know. Look at this."

Amity pulled up her digital scroll and showed Luz an email written by Principle Bump. The students were to go on a nature walk. All classes, all grades. Gus ran up to Luz.

"Are you going on the field trip today? I made muffins!"

"Ooh! Now I am! Where's Willow?"

"She's already on the bus. We gotta go catch up to her!"

Amity was already making her way to wait in the nurse's office. "She you when you get back."

"I'll tell you all about it. You just focus on getting better." Luz waved and followed her friend outside.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2020 ⏰

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