Chapter One

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"I've bound the pages so you can start writing, but you-"

"Spellbook time!" Luz clutched the purple book to her chest, shaking the couch with her excited bouncing.

"Not yet, Luz. Your first spellbook needs to be written with care. It's a sacred rite of passage- and now you're drawing Azura fanart. Just great."

"Eda said that I'd need to learn magic differently. That also counts for my spellbook."

"Edalyn, please handle this!"

Eda took a long sip of apple blood

"I would, but I love watching you get angry."

Lilith set a small fire under her foot with concealed rage. King had already prepared the fire extinguisher.

Alador Blight set his fork down, breaking the eerie silence hanging over the Blight's dinner table.

"Amity Blight. You don't want me to say it, do you?"

"No, Father."

"Well, I don't care what you want. Because I am the man of the house, and you are making a fool of this family. Understand?"

"Yes, Father."

"Tsk tsk. Losing a duel in front of the Emperor's Coven, losing your rank as the top student. Don't think we didn't see you around Willow Park."

"Willow has come a long way. She even-" 

Odalia ignored her. "And you've become smitten with someone. You know only I have the authority to choose your suitors."

"I'm not smitten, Mother. I only accompanied her because I felt bad. You know, like charity."

"Her? You didn't attend with a male classmate?" Mr. Blight sneered. Charity or not, that's all over the yearbook!"

Mrs. Blight set her hand on her husband's shoulder. "I'm sure she handled the situation accordingly. Emira, let me see the yearbook they sent us."

Amity felt like she was going to sick. Her eyes pleaded with her sister. 'Please don't do this.' But Emira was already off to find it. Couldn't dare keep her parents waiting. 

Edric took the hint and knocked over his mother's glass onto the lace tablecloth. Mr. Blight cussed at him and help his wife clean up. She insisted on cleaning by hand, as she believed any good wife was meant to. 

Emira sighed and set the Hexside yearbook in her father's hands. The man flipped through the pages until his eyes fixed on one photo. The photo of Willow, Gus, Amity, and Luz.

The book fell to the ground.

"Are you kidding me! You're going to make me look at this garbage in my own home!"

"Dad, I'm sorry." Amity pleaded, wishing she didn't already know her fate.

"Get up. I don't care about your leg, just get up!" His voice shook the walls. Amity was trying to suck in her tears. Emira helped Amity put less pressure on the broken leg with a crutch. Mr. Blight burned it to embers.

"Hurry up!" Mr. Blight carried the small girl by her ponytail into a spare room. It contained photos of all the Blight Family, from the first recorded era to Amity. It was a reminder of greatness.

Mr. Blight let Amity pick the placement of her punishment this time. Amity rolled up the pink sleeves of her uniform as her father formed ice crystals on his fingertips. Then, he pressed down onto her forearms.

Amity screamed and tried to kick away, but her broken foot throbbed and her father's grip was unrelenting.

"That Human! A girl I can live with, a demon I can live with. But, a human? How dare you do this to our family?" He spat.

"I'm sorry, Daddy. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry!" Amity finally broke free, in deep sobs on the floor.

"And now you're begging." Her dad kneeled over to laugh in her face.

"Blights do not beg or cry. I don't like forcing my hand, Amity but you really just don't know how to behave." Alador shook his head as to say 'What a shame.' and locked Amity in the dark room.

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