"So," you started trying to bring up some form of conversation, "what are you doing for Thanksgiving next week?"

He looked up from his phone, "Thanksgiving is next week?" His gaze returned to his phone. "I didn't even realize."

He hadn't answered your question. So, you just stared at him until he noticed. Your eyebrows raised at him, urging him to answer. He sighed, putting his phone down, "I assume I'll be working on Thanksgiving," he said folding his hands and resting them in his lap.

"You don't do anything with your...your family?" You asked hoping the subject wouldn't turn his mood sour.

"No," he said calmer than you anticipated. "Do you have plans?" His question surprised you. You honestly didn't think he would care.

"Um, yea Poe and I are heading home to celebrate with our mom."

He gave you a small smile but you couldn't help but see a hint of disappointment in his eyes.

Once you finished your meal, he told you to stay, that you were welcome to anything in the house while he went back into his office to work.

You had become more familiar with Kylo's penthouse since the first time you'd been invited in. But you never really had the opportunity to explore. You had already seen all of the first level, with the living area, kitchen, patio, and Kylo's office but the only room you were familiar with upstairs was the bedroom you slept in.

You decided now was as good a time as any to see what those three other doors led to upstairs. You figured one of them would be Kylo's bedroom and though you didn't feel right snooping, you were curious what a mysterious man like Kylo would keep in his bedroom.

You opened the first door on your left and in it was a small-sized theater with a few, big recliner chairs and a huge screen in the front. You wondered why he never mentioned this. Never wanted to watch a movie with you in here instead of on the couch. But if you were being honest, it hardly looked used. You closed the door and moved onto the next and final door on the left. You opened it to a smaller bedroom. You figured this was the guest room since the bed had no sheets on it and there were no belongings anywhere in sight.

You crossed the hall to the only door on the left. You figured it would be Kylo's room but, when you opened the door you were met with the most beautiful bathroom. It had a big, white clawfoot bathtub in the center of the marbled floors. The tub sat in front of a massive window showing the expanse of the surroundings. Off to the side was a wall separating the bathtub from the toilet and shower that had a fireplace built into it. The sink was tiny compared to the long rectangular mirror that spread out above it. It was the most beautiful bathroom you had ever seen and again it looked hardly used. For a second you found your mind wandering to days spent in this room with Kylo. You were surprised that there was a room dedicated to another bathroom.

And then it hit you. This was the last room on the floor. You had seen everything his penthouse had to offer and there was no bedroom for Kylo Ren. Nothing. No place that held any of his belongings. Except, his clothes were in the drawers in the bedroom with the black silk sheets.

Is that his room? Had you been sleeping in his room this whole time?

You heard yelling coming from downstairs and quickly shut the door and tiptoed down the steps hoping Kylo wouldn't suspect what you were doing.

The yelling got louder as you got closer to his office. The door was shut but opened a crack and you slid your hand through opening it fully. You saw him, jaw tense, hand clutching the phone to his ear. He was sitting behind his desk, laptop open, blue light glasses on. He didn't even notice you had come in until you were crouched at his side rubbing his forearm. You knew he was incredibly stressed just by the tone in his voice.

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