Zuke x Reader

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Hello everyone, I hope you are doing well today! So hopefully I don't procrastinate this time and get two out today, the two oneshots that I hope to get out today both feature Zuke, the chill drummer of Bunk Bed Junction. I'm doing this because the last few that I have recorded on my queue list at the moment are all 1010 and I wanted to put out other characters so that this book isn't exclusively 1010. By the way, this oneshot was requested by the lovely love58766! I've got nothing else to say so, I hope you enjoy reading this!


(Y/N)'s POV


I rolled from side to side in my bed, the covers shuffling and wrapping around my body as I tried to find a comfortable spot to settle and fall asleep in peace; however, tonight doesn't seem like it is going to be another successful night, three hundred something for insomnia, and only one for me. I never had that great of luck falling asleep, this has been happening my whole life, thankfully not many sleepless nights occurred back when I was a little kid but there was the occasional one every year. 

"Grrr...Come on just let me sleep for once without needing to talk pills!" I growled, slamming my head into the soft pillow that laid passively on the mattress underneath me, 

"I would relish the one damn night I could sleep, hell I even cherish it just as much if I even had a dream or a nightmare! I honestly don't care anymore." I groaned, gripping the pillow until my knuckles started to turn white, tears pricking my bloodshot, tired (E/C) eyes.

My eyes begged for them to be closed semi-permanently, no longer being able to endure the strain and lack of sleep, if only it were so easy to convince the mind and change its ways of perceiving the world along with the environment, to manipulate its habits; if only it were so easy. My phone began to rumble against the nightstand, speckles of light appearing then vanishing in a matter of seconds, I blinked a couple of times, moisturizing my eyes a little as I dreadfully reached for the handheld device.

I flipped the phone over and my eyes squinted closed, the light of the phone blinding me as I took small peeks at its face to see what my phone was ringing about. Soon enough my eyes had adjusted to the sudden bright light illuminating my face amongst the reigning darkness of my room, Zuke was calling me? What for? And why at 11:45? He should be asleep by now...I accept the phone call and held the phone to my ear,

"Hello?" I muttered out, my eyes staring blankly at my wall,

"(Y/N)? I knew you would be awake...Is your insomnia bothering you again?" He asked, care laced in his voice,

I only sighed and hummed, my eyes trailing down to the carpet of my room, the intricate patterns I had sewn into it becoming the point of interest for my tired (E/C) orbs,

"Do you want to talk until you eventually fall asleep?" He asked once more, except he suggested this a previous night, and as disappointing and predictable as it is, I didn't fall asleep that night,

"No..." I said, pausing before I continued talking, "Do you have any other ideas?" I returned, not able to think up of any ideas myself other than the use of pills,

"Well, you're wanting to avoid using pills in every way, talking didn't work last time...Did the lullabies work?" He inquired before he went off into a tangent,

"No...but at least they were pleasant to listen to." I answered, pulling the covers up to cover more of my body and cloak it with its warmth, he remained silent for a few minutes, mumbling incoherent words to himself along with the sound of a bed creaking like he was changing his sleeping position,

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