Human!Sayu x Reader

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Hello everyone, I hope you are doing well today! Today we got our first Sayu request, she won't be a big robot as you could tell from the title, so to change it up a bit I would have her creators(Dodo, Remi, Tila, Sofa) as close, childhood friends. This oneshot was requested by the lovely high_horse_gal! I have nothing else to say so, I hope you enjoy reading this!


(Y/N)'s POV


I walk down the steps, holding onto the railing even though the steps were illuminated with bright cyan tiles, it's never bad to be too safe. I was in my friend's district, Akusuka, the district that is popular among the young audience and for having all the geeky items you probably never needed but wanted anyway. I got to the bottom of the stairs, looking around to find my bubbly pink-skinned friend, Sayu. Yes, I was friends with the one and only Sayu, honestly, its a shocker to me too that we clicked immediately, we had similar hobbies like singing and making cheesy puns, even just talking about the ocean.

The one thing we don't share is her big fascination with love, almost as if it was like a religion, although I didn't mind, she was a young woman now, despite her cute appearance and high-pitched voice. I eventually spot the familiar white ahoge in the midst of a crowd of being surrounding it, I shake my head, worried about how she is at the moment, sure she was an NSR artist but she still needs her space just as much as anyone else.

I walk up to the crowd of people, mingling through them, apologizing to them, and excusing myself before finally getting to the middle and seeing my friend there, a big smile still present on her face,

"Sayu!" I call her name, She immediately turned around looking at my figure,

"(Y/N)!!" She exclaimed, glomping me,

"Where were you? You weren't at Kura Kura like you said." I chuckle, hugging her back,

"I was running late and then a person noticed me and well," She gestured to the whole crowd around us, "This happened!"

"Hehe, well if the people around us don't mind, the both of us need to get going!" I said, laughing nervously, grabbing her hand before running off into a random direction, Sayu barely keeping up with me.

To my displeasure, the crowd ran after us, making me take many twists and turns to get away from them, sure you could say I can blame Sayu's fame, but I could not do that as that is a reral petty excuse for a crowd of adoring fans. After a good long run throughout Akusuka, we finally lost them, I had my hands on my knees, head hanging down as I tried to catch my breath, Sayu in the same situation.

"Sorry, hah, for the sudden, hah, cardio..." I panted looking up to Sayu,

"No, no, hah, you're fine! Exercise is good!" She reassured me, shaking her hand,

"Besides, I think we are already where we're supposed to be!" She added, pointing forward, I look towards where she was pointing, smiling to see that she was right.

The Natura district. Me, Sayu and all her childhood friends decided to come and meet up here in said district. I stand up straight, looking down further into the peaceful district, a smile  grew upon my face, turning towards Sayu and offering my hand to her,

"Shell we then?" I joked, making her giggle,

"Shore!" She joked back, taking my hand and taking the lead in walking us to our meet up spot.

I didn't pay any attention to where we headed, my focus being captured by the nature that passed by us with each step, I even looked at the billboards, which featured Yinu on them advertising a sponsored product. Then a small thought zipped through my mind, moving my head to look down at our interlocked hands, a small blush coming upon my (S/C) cheeks, looking back to the trees and bushes to distract myself from my rapidly beating heart.

No Straight Roads OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora