Mayday x female reader

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(A/N)- This takes place right when the music revolution starts, and you are an NSR artist placed in between Sayu and Yinu.


(Y/N)'s POV


I placed the last box on top of a larger box among a neatly stacked pile of boxes. Not too long ago I became an artist for NSR, only a year ago in fact, the only reason I have so many boxes is that I moved to a different place. I wiped the sweat off of my forehead and stood up straight to look around the room I was in, making a mental map of where I wanted to put things, but I shouldn't be standing around doing nothing! I should be unpacking now so I could finish my new song before my next concert!

That was until a blackout happened. The light that illuminated from my district, from what I could see from my window, had suddenly shut off, leaving darkness in its wake. I jogged up to my window, peeking around with my (E/C) orbs to only see black at every look. Although the light slowly powered back on, I opened my window and popped my head through it to see that only NSR buildings were receiving power, my new home, and the concert place being a couple of them.

Another blackout?! Tatiana, please have a plan for this! Wait, no! I shouldn't rely on only her to get all of Vinyl City to light up again! I am a part of NSR now, I need to help her along with my fellow artists to power the city back up! I closed my window and turned around to see the boxes again and sigh. Well I need to set up for my concert, and I need my equipment which is in those boxes soooo, ugh gotta unpack them sooner or later.

-----Timeskip to about 30 to 40 minutes later-----

I once again wiped the sweat off my forehead, the room itself isn't completely tidy now but I need to work on my music! Grabbing my equipment I plop myself onto my bed with it placed in front of me and start working.


Mayday's POV


"But millions and billions and trillioooooooooons!" DJ Subatomic Supernova said as he flew to space, "And Pluto is still relevant! Ya hear me?!-" I yelled at him hoping he could hear me still from way up there, "-What's a Pluto anyway?" I looked at Zuke and asked. I'm pretty sure he was about to answer before he was rudely interrupted by, TATIANA?!

"DJ Subatomic Supernova come in, what is going on down there?" She looked at both of us in search of said DJ and spoke with her usual business tone. "Heheh, I'm sorry but the DJ is currently out of commission! Would you like to leave a message?" I provoked her, serves her right! we beat one of her so-called artists! 

"What?! Who do you guys think you...hold on... I remember you. You're those troublemakers from the Lights Up Audition!" She responded with disbelief but regained her composure as soon as she recognized us. We will not stand for NSR's abuse of power, this revolution was wayyyyyy overdue!

-----Timeskip to a week later-----

Zuke and I are just now heading to the next district Kliff briefed us on, Cottonflow District. Really? Cotton flow? is it flooded with so much cotton that it flows down the streets? Well whatever, apparently the charter of this district, (Y/N), is supposed to be real tricky compared to Sayu and DJ Subatomic Supernova. Hah! Those two were a walk in a park, I'm pretty sure she will be no different.

In a matter of a couple of minutes, we reach the dock at the end of Cast Tech District, we then placed Sayu's platinum disc into it and play our music. As we play the city wheel turned until it connected with Cast Tech district the compartments interlocking, forming a pathway to the next district, Akusuka. So many bright colors yeesh! Continuing onward into Akusuka but not spending much time myself, because I want to beat the next 'talented' artist of NSR!

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